1956 Constitution of Pakistan MCQs

1956 Constitution of Pakistan MCQs for one paper mcqs test preparation

1956 Constitution of Pakistan MCQs

1956 constitution legislature was ___?
  1. Bicameral
  2. Unicameral
  3. Both
  4. None
Which constitution named Pakistan as Islamic Republic of Pakistan:
  1. 1962
  2. 1956
  3. 1973
  4. None

Which constitution adopted both Urdu & Bengali as national languages?

  1. 1956
  2. 1962
  3. 1973
  4. Both A & B
When the first constitution was abrogated and martial law was proclaimed?
  1. May 1958
  2. July 1958
  3. October 1958
  4. None of these
The Constitution transformed the Governor-General of Pakistan into President of Pakistan (as head of state)?
  1. 1962
  2. 1973
  3. 1956
  4. None of these
Constitution of 1956 remained implemented for:
  1. 2 years and 6 months
  2. 2 years 9 months
  3. 2 years 11 months
  4. None of these
What age was prescribed for president in the 1956 constitution?
  1. 30 years
  2. 35 years
  3. 40 years
  4. 45 years

In the constitution of 1956, the name of the country was adopted as?

  1. The Federal Republic of Pakistan
  2. demographic Republic of Pakistan
  3. Islamic Repulic of Pakistan
  4. Both A and B
How many articles were there in the constitution of 1956?
  1. 100 Articles
  2. 200 Articles
  3. 234 Articles
  4. 254 Articles
constitution 1956 provided___ form of government for the country.
  1. Parliamentary
  2. federal
  3. Presidential
  4. All

After abrogation of first constitution, the new constitution was enforced by Ayoub Khan on:

  1. June 1962
  2. August 1962
  3. October 1962
  4. November 1962
The first Martial Law was imposed in Pakistan in the year_
  1. 1955
  2. 1956
  3. 1958
  4. 1954
After how many years Pakistan got its first constitution?
  1. 7 years
  2. 5 years
  3. 11 years
  4. 9 years

Who presented the Objective Resolution in the constituent Assembly

  1. Liaquat Ali Khan
  2. Quaid e Azam
  3. Abdul Ghuffar khan
  4. None of these
The first constitution of Pakistan was enforced in the year:
  1. 1951
  2. 1956
  3. 1962
  4. 1973
Which of the following document was first drafted to give pace to constitution-making process?
  1. Representative Act
  2. Pakistan Act
  3. Objective Resolution
  4. None of these
Who abrogated 1956 constitution?
  1. Ayub Khan
  2. Yahya khan
  3. Iskander Mirza
  4. Tikka khan
Which was the official language declared in 1956 constitution?
  1. Urdu
  2. Bengali
  3. Punjabi
  4. Sindhi
  5. Both A & B
When the first constitution was abrogated and the first martial law was enforced?
  1. January 1958
  2. April 1958
  3. June 1958
  4. October 1958
How many constitutions have been enforced in Pakistan?
  1. Four
  2. Three
  3. Two
  4. Five
Objective resolution was passed on ?
  1. 12 march 1947
  2. 12 march 1948
  3. 12 march 1949
  4. 12 march 1956
The Basic Democracies ordinance was promulgated in the year:
  1. 1958
  2. 1956
  3. 1959
  4. 1954
What is the other name of Mohammad Ali Bogra Formula?
  1. Pakistan Report
  2. New Law of Pakistan
  3. Constitutional Formula
  4. Third Report

Who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan during the enforcement of first constitution?

  1. Khwaja Nazim Uddin
  2. Mohammad Ali Bogra
  3. Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar
  4. Choudhry Mohammad Ali

When Mohammad Ali Bogra presented Bogra Formula in the assembly?

  1. October 1953
  2. September 1953
  3. April 1953
  4. January 1953

Who was the prime minister at the time of first Martial Law in Pakistan?

  1. Feroz Khan Nuun
  2. Liaqat Ali Khan
  3. Muhammad Ali Bogra
  4. None of the above

Who was the only Muslim member in the house who opposed the Objectives Resolution 1949 in the Assembly?

  1. Main Iftikar-ud-Din
  2. Mumtaz Doltana
  3. Ayub Khoro
  4. Abdullah Haroon

The first constituent Assembly met under the Chairmanship of

  1. Jugandara Nath Mandal
  2. Quaid e Azam
  3. Liaquat Ali Khan
  4. None of these
Parliament has __________ House in 1956 constitution.
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. None of these
Which document replaced the 1956 constitution of Pakistan?
  1. Tashkent declaration
  2. Lahore resolution
  3. Karachi agreement
  4. Ayub Khan's Legal Framework Orders

In Pre-1956, there were 54 subjects on the Provincial List. However, these subjects were increased in Post-1956 to_____?

  1. 65
  2. 72
  3. 87
  4. 94

Read 1956 Constitution of Pakistan MCQs an important part of one paper mcqs.

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