9th Class Chemistry MCQs

The electronegative and non-metallic character from top to bottom

(A) increases
(B) decreases
(C) remain same
(D) stable

The alkaline earth metals are smaller in size and have more

(A) ionization energy
(B) electron affinity
(C) nuclear change
(D) electropositive

Sodium is extremely reactive metal, but it does not react with:

(A) Hydrogen
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Sulphur
(D) Phosphorus

Which one of the following is brittle?

(A) Sodium
(B) Aluminium
(C) Selenium
(D) Magnesium

Which metal is used for making mirrors?

(A) Lead
(B) Iron
(C) Silver
(D) Lithium

Which one the following is the lightest and floats on water:

(A) Calcium
(B) Magnesium
(C) Lithium
(D) Sodium

These are highly oxidizing agents

(A) alkali metals
(B) alkaline earth metals
(C) transition metals
(D) halogens

Chlorine has colour:

(A) pale yellow
(B) greenish yellow
(C) reddish brown
(D) purple black

Non-metalsare generally soft, but which one of the following is extremely hard?

(A) Graphite
(B) Phosphorus
(C) Iodine
(D) Diamond

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