One-Liner – MCQs about the Holy Quran – English

Most repeated MCQs about the Holy Quran for Islamic Studies, competitive exams, and one-paper test online preparation.

One-Liner MCQs About Holy Quran

  1. What does "Surah" mean? Refuge
  2. Minimum verse in a Surah in Holy Quran are : 3
  3. The Quranic surah Al-Ikhlas means : The Purity
  4. Surah Ar Rehman is called? Uroos ul Quran
  5. Total number of surah in Quran are : 114
  6. Which is the biggest Surah in Quran? Baqarah
  7. Which is first Madni Surah in Quran? Al-Baqarah
  8. Number of verses in Quran? 6666
  9. How many verses in Surah Al-Baqrah? 286 Ayat
  10. How many words exist in Quran Majeed : 77797
  11. Which number of verses of surah Baqarah is the longest? 282
  12. What is the Duration of Madni Period? 9 Years, 9 Months, 9 days
  13. Which Ayat of the Holy Quran is called Sardar ul Ayat? Ayat-ul-Kursi
  14. Ayat Tul Kursi is located in which Para of the Holy Quran? 3rd
  15. Which surah starts without Bismillah? Tauba
  16. Which surah of the Holy Quran has Bismillah twice? Surah An-Naml
  17. Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has been mentioned as Ahmed in which Surah of the Holy Quran? As-Saffa
  18. How many numbers of Surah in the last Para of Holy Quran? 37
  19. How many Angels are mentioned in Holy Quran? 7
  20. In how many years Makki Surah were revealed? 13

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