Computer MCQs Quiz 14

Computer MCQs Quiz 14

1 / 20

Vector graphics is composed of ____?

2 / 20

Which of the following is true regarding page Orientation of a Document?

3 / 20

Wifi Stands For ______?

4 / 20

The World Wide Web was invented by_______ _____?

5 / 20

Smallest font size in MS-word is ____?

6 / 20

TCP/IP invented by _______?

7 / 20

CSS stands for _____?

8 / 20

Process of loading and fixing or bypassing errors in computer program code is called ______?

9 / 20

IC are classified on the basis of _____?

10 / 20

In which generation Computers vacuum tube were used?

11 / 20

Which of the printers used in conjunction with computers uses dry ink powder?

12 / 20

The proper definition of a modern digital computer is _______?

13 / 20

Who invented Slide Rules?

14 / 20

In_______________mode, the communication channel is used in both directions at the same time?

15 / 20

Serial access memories are useful in applications where:

16 / 20

What do you call the translator which takes assembly language program as input & produce machine language code as output?

17 / 20

Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second?

18 / 20

The programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as _____?

19 / 20

Identify the true statement about computer.

20 / 20

One of the popular mass storage device is CD ROM. What does CD ROM stand for?

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The average score is 57%


Online MCQs Test for Computer Science

There are twenty questions in this important online mcqs test for computer science

The quiz will help the aspirants to understand the basic concept of the online mcqs test for computer science.

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After the quiz's final submission, aspirants will see the link to the next quiz in the series of our Computer quizzes for one paper preparation.

This quiz is an effort to help students prepare for their Computer Quiz for subject specialist tests and one-paper competitive exams

Read More: Computer MCQs for preparation.

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