Everyday Science Quiz 1

General Science Quiz 1

1 / 20

What is the chance of diabetic baby born to parents both heterogeneous normal ?

2 / 20

Which triplet in DNA codes for valine ?

3 / 20

Dr. Abdus Salam of Pakistan was one of the contributors of the unification of __________?

4 / 20

Laughing gas has chemical composition of following two elements ?

5 / 20

Sensitive layer of the eye is?

6 / 20

The name of the common mineral salt present in sweat is ?

7 / 20

Study of life in outer space is known as ?

8 / 20

Basic metals can be converted into gold by ?

9 / 20

Person with following blood group are considered to be universal recipient ?

10 / 20

One of the main function of the earth’s ozone layer is to ?

11 / 20

The famous book; Al – Qanun was written by the Muslim scientist ?

12 / 20

Which of the following elements is not present abundantly in earth’s crust ?

13 / 20

Rectified spirit contains alcohol about ?

14 / 20

Which woody raw material is used for the manufacture of paper pulp?

15 / 20

Human population growth is greatest in developing countries because ?

16 / 20

Radioactive isotope of Uranium used in Nuclear Bomb is ?

17 / 20

Humming bird belongs to a category called ?

18 / 20

Addison’s disease is caused by the deficiency of____________?

19 / 20

Bronze medal is made up of metals ?

20 / 20

Max Planck received the noble prize in Physics in 1918 for his discovery of ?

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The average score is 57%


Online Everyday Science Test

There are total twenty mcqs in this important online everyday science test with answers for online preparation.

This quiz of everyday science msqs test with answers will help the students to understand the basic concept of general science online test papers.

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Aspirants must submit the test at the end to see their obtained marks for this general science quiz test and average score of other students who participate in this quiz of online everyday science test with answers for online preparation.

After the quiz submission, participants of the quiz will see link to next quiz in the series of our everyday science quizzes for competitive exams preparation.

This online everyday science test with answers is an effort to help students in preparation of their general science part for one paper mcqs preparation.

Also Read: General Knowledge MCQs and Everyday Science MCQs

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