Verbal Intelligence Test Pak Army

Verbal Intelligence Test MCQs Quiz 4

1 / 20

Sabir remembers that his brother’s birthday is after the fifteenth but before the eighteenth of february and his sister Rabia remembers that her brother’s birthday is after the sixteenth but before the nineteenth of February. On which day in February is Sabir’s brother’s birthday?

2 / 20

30 labourer’s working 7 hours a day can finish a piece of work in 18 days, if the Labourer’s work 6 hours a day, the number of Labourers required to finish the same piece of work in 30 days will be _________.

3 / 20

12 men work 8 hours a day to complete a piece of work in 10 days. to complete the same work in 8 days, working 15 hours a day, the number of men required is.

4 / 20

Shaista completes a piece of work in 10 days, All completes the same work in 40 days, if they work together, the days required to complete the work will be _____

5 / 20

If 3 persons do 3 times of a particular work in 3 days, then 7 persons can do 7 times of that work in ____.

6 / 20

If 4 men can color 48m cloth in 2 days, 6 men can color 36 m cloth in ____.

7 / 20

In a row of trees, one tree is fifth from either end of the row. How many trees are there in the row?

8 / 20

In a row of 21 girls, when Maryam was shifted by four places towards the right, she became 12th from the left end. What was her earlier position from the right end of the row?

9 / 20

Raza ranked ninth from the top and thirty-eight from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class

10 / 20

Saqib ranks seventh from the top and twenty-eight from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class?

11 / 20

In a line, Jannat Hussain is 10th from the front while Muhatasib is 25th from behind and Khadija is just in the middle of the two. If there are 50 people in the line, what position does Khadija occupy from the front?

12 / 20

Jabbar ranks sixteen from the top and forty-ninth from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class?

13 / 20

(x +4)(x – 2)=____.

14 / 20

200% of 800 equals:

15 / 20

Possible no. of subsets of ‘set of n elements’ including empty set and universal set?

16 / 20

x^2 + x -2 =0?

17 / 20

Morning is to Breakfast as Night is to

18 / 20

What comes next in the series? 101 105 111 119

19 / 20

Which one is different from the rest? red, blue, green, yellow.

20 / 20

Complete the series 4, 8, 24, 96 _____?

Your score is

The average score is 43%


Verbal Intelligence Test Pak Army

There are totally twenty questions in this important verbal intelligence test pak army for Pakistan Army test preparation Online.

This verbal intelligence test will help the students to understand the basic concept of Pak Army verbal intelligence test.

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After submitting the test, candidates are able to see their obtain marks and average Score of others in this verbal intelligence test pak army for online test preparation.

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This verbal intelligence test Pak Army will help students for Pakistan Army test preparation online

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