Junior Computer Operator PPSC Past Papers

Computer operator PPSC past papers mcqs for jobs test preparation in Punjab Public Service Commission.

Computer Operator PPSC Past Papers MCQs

This high-speed Internet solution is installed using existing phone lines, called

  • T1
  • cable
  • DSL
  • Satellite

A ______ is main purpose is to prohibit unauthorized access to your computer via the Internet.

  • Firewall
  • popup blocker
  • spyware blocker
  • spam assassin

What type of technology allows you to verbally speak with someone over the Internet?

  • Wiki
  • VolP
  • Ephone
  • Social network

Note: Voice-over-Internet protocol (VoIP)

The name for the way that computers manipulate data Into information is called:

  • Programming
  • processing
  • Storing
  • organizing

What type of protocol would you expect to see in a URL for a secure document?

  • Https
  • ftps
  • Hits
  • hashs

Data mining is also referred as..

  • Knowledge discovery in databases
  • Data Cleaning
  • Data extraction
  • Data management

WPA2 is used for security in ____

  • Ethernet
  • Bluetooth
  • Wi-Fi
  • Hi-Fi

In how many ways can the letters of the word ‘LEADER’ be arranged?

  • 70
  • 144
  • 360
  • 720

Exercise is to gym as eating is to

  • Food
  • dieting
  • fitness
  • restaurant

Look at this series: J14, L16 ____ P20, R22_____What number should fill the blank?

  • S24
  • N18
  • M18
  • T24

Look at this series: V, VIII, XI, XIV, XX… What number should fill the blank?

  • IX
  • XV
  • XVII

The memory address of the first element of an array is called

  • Floor address
  • foundation address
  • first address
  • base address

The register which holds the address of the location to or from which data are to be transferred is called

Prolog is

  • A programming language based on logic
  • A computer where each processor has its own operating system.
  • Describes structure of the contents of a database
  • None of A, B, C

The science of making machines imitate human thinking and behaviour is known as

  • Executive information system
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Management reporting system
  • Decision support system

The access method In Bluetooth is

  • FDMA
  • CDMA
  • none of the above

AI systems based on the human brain’s ability to differentiate patterns are called:

  • Robotic System
  • Fuzzy logic Systems
  • Neural Networks
  • Expert systems

Paint : Artist : Wood ——–

  • Furniture
  • Forest
  • Fire
  • Carpenter

What is the most likely causes of an erratic mouse cursor?

  • An’unplugged mouse cable
  • A broken wire in the mouse cable
  • A dirty ball and roller in the mouse
  • An incorrectly installed mouse driver

Which text formatting feature changes the thickness of the letters?

  • Bold
  • italic
  • under line
  • Alignment

Bold, Italics and underlines are features in many programs. To which of the following items these features can be applied?

  • Files
  • Pictures
  • Text
  • Windows

A block of the text automatically added to the end of an outgoing email is called_____

  • An attachment
  • A signature
  • A footer
  • an encryption

Viruses are often contained in email attachments. The virus infects the computer when the attachment is opened. Which of the following attachments is least likely to carry a virus?

  • A text file
  • A screen saver
  • A program
  • EXE.File

What information would be safe to include in a public profile on a social networking site?

  • User name
  • Date of birth
  • Home Address
  • Mobile phone numbers

What is the Clip board?

  • A list of the recently accessed files
  • A place where you can post messages
  • A temporary storage location for items that have been cut or copied
  • A gallery of graphics.

Files have been moved to the trash bin. The trash bin has not been emptied. Which of the following is true of these files?

  • They are no longer accessible
  • They must be renamed before being used
  • Their names are displayed in a light grey font
  • They can be retrieved and then saved in a new location

‘Strong ‘Passwords are used and recommended when using internet banking. A ‘Strong’ password is one which is difficult to guess. which of the following would be the ‘Strongest’ Password?

  • e7Jm@#51
  • nothahks
  • xyz 123456
  • 123456

Before submitting your work if you want to find any words spelled incorrectly then what will you use?

  • Thesaurus
  • spell checker
  • Grammer checker
  • Find and replace

A file downloaded from internet does not specify its file type and has a generic icon. you have a good idea what file type it is likely to be. Once selected what is the best way to try to view the file?

  • File and then open
  • Double click on its icon
  • file and then open with
  • view arid then documents

A Robot is a machine directed by a ——-

  • computer
  • remote control
  • Wirless control unit
  • Human

BASIC stands for_____

  • Beginners all purpose symbolic instruction code
  • Beginners aided purpose symbolic instruction code
  • Beginners aided all purpose symbolic code
  • None of A,B,C

LCD stands for _____

  • Liquid crystal display
  • Land Crystal display
  • Light Crystal display
  • Liquid Control Display

The printer which can print one complete line at a time is

  • Dot matrix printer
  • Daisy Wheel Printer
  • Line printer
  • Laser printer

KB stands for ——-

  • Kilobits
  • Kilobytes
  • kingbyte
  • Wriobyte

The hardcopy means _____

  • Printout
  • Hard disk
  • Printer
  • paper

The device that converts video images to digital form and saves them in computer’s memory is called____

  • Keyboard
  • Digital Camera
  • Monitor
  • Printer

The key at the right of the keyboard similar to those on a calculator are called.

  • Function Keys
  • Numeric keys
  • Alpha Numeric keys
  • Editing Keys

Scanner is _____

  • Storage device
  • Input device
  • Output device
  • Both B and C

We enter data and instructions into the computer which is known as

  • command
  • information
  • input
  • output

What is Z to A order called?

  • Ascending
  • Descending
  • Co descending
  • None of A,B,G

230,246,271,307 ____

  • 412
  • 356
  • 518
  • 612

ZXV, TRP ,NLJ ____

  • IGF
  • HDF
  • HGF
  • HFD

Find the H.C.F of 36 and 84:

  • 4
  • 6
  • 12
  • 18

What allows you to print on both sides of the printer?

  • Fuser
  • duplexer
  • oner cartridge
  • paper-swapping unit

Cup is to coffee as bowl is to ___

  • Dish
  • Soup
  • Spoon
  • Food

Window is to pain as book is to

  • Novel
  • glass
  • cover
  • page


  • CMN
  • UJI
  • VIJ
  • IJT

A light-sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is —–?

  • Keyboard
  • scanner
  • OMR
  • None of these

IF a computer has more then one processor then it is known as ——

  • Uni process
  • Multiprocessor
  • Multi-threaded
  • Multi-programming

Which of the following simplifies the process of formatting text, if the same formatting is required in more than one location?

  • Auto Text
  • Formate Painter
  • Font Dialog box
  • None of A,B,C

Which of the following simplifies the process of formatting text, if the same formatting is required in more than one location?

  • Find command
  • replace command
  • Drag and Drop
  • copy command

Which key do you press to force a page break?

  • Ctrl+Alt
  • Ctrl + Break
  • Ctrl + Enter
  • None of A,B,C

Switching between portrait and landscape mode involves the ——

  • Header and footer toolbar
  • Print layout view
  • page setup dialog box
  • None of A,B,C

To view headers and footers you must switch to

  • Normal View
  • Print layout view
  • Print preview mode
  • Both B and C

What is the shortcut keys for “Find” and “Replace” dialogue box?

  • Ctrl+F
  • Ctrl + H
  • CTRL+L

What is the shortcut key to “UNDO” the last action in a document?

  • Ctrl+x
  • Ctrl + H
  • CTRL+L

A shopkeeper bought toffees at the rates of 6 for a Rupee. How many for a rupee must he sell to gain 20%?

  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

A MAN BUYS a watch for Rs 1400 and sells it at a loss of 15%.What is the selling price of the watch?

  • Rs. 1090
  • Rs.1160
  • Rs 1190
  • Rs 1202

Which Monitor would provide the highest level of performance?

  • VGA
  • XGA
  • CGA
  • SVGA

Which of the following is page orientation?

  • Landscape
  • Portrait
  • Gutter
  • Only A & B

The information you put into the computer is called—–

  • Directory
  • Facts
  • Data
  • Files

When a file is saved for the first time then———

  • A copy is automatically, printed
  • File name and folder name must be the same
  • It does not need a name
  • It must be given a name to identify it

Generally, you access the Recycle Bin through an icon located ——–

  • On the desktop
  • on the hard drive
  • on the shortcut menu
  • In the properties dialog box

The taskbar is located

  • On the start menu
  • At the bottom of the screen
  • On the quick launch toolbar
  • At the top of the screen

Which is the following command is given to reboot the computer?

  • Ctrl+Alt+Del
  • Ctrl + Alt+Tab
  • Ctrl+Shift+Del
  • Ctrl+Alt+Shift

What is the full form of LAN?

  • Local Area Network
  • Large Access Network
  • Long Antenna Network
  • None of them

What is the best way to protect your hard drive data?

  • Regular backups
  • Periodically defrag it
  • Run check at least once a week
  • run scan disk at least once a week

WAN stands for:-

  • Wap Area Network
  • wide Area Network
  • Wide Array Network
  • Wireless Area Network

What is the smallest function among the following?

  • 7/9
  • 4/5
  • 6/7
  • 9/13

If one-third of one-fourth of a number is 15, then three-tenths of that number is:

  • 35
  • 36
  • 45
  • 54

The term “Red Book” , Yellow Book”, and “Orange Book” refer to_____

  • SCSI
  • IDE
  • Floppy Drive Technology
  • CD-ROM standards

Computer memory consists of :

  • RAM
  • ROM
  • PROM
  • All of A, B, C

Slide Transaction can be applied to ____

  • Current Slides
  • Selected Slides
  • All Slides
  • All of A, B, C

What is to be used to add text in Slide?

  • Text Box
  • Note Box
  • Text layer
  • Comment Box

When sound is included in the animations, it becomes:

  • Audio
  • Video
  • Multimedia
  • None of the A,b

To save an existing file with a hew name or to a new location: use ____ command

  • Save
  • save and replace
  • save as
  • new file

What decimal of an hour is a second?

  • 0.0025
  • 0.0256
  • 0.00027
  • 0.000126

The binary system uses powers of____

  • 2
  • 10
  • 8
  • 16

A Group of eight bits is called____

  • Record
  • Document
  • Byte
  • File

To create a prototype of a new product, a designer might use a ___ program.

  • CAD
  • 3D modeling
  • paint
  • draw

If you magnify a ______ you can see its individual pixels.

  • Vector graphic
  • bitmap
  • DXF
  • EMF

The function of a Kernel in an operating system is to

  • Interpret the JCL commands
  • Interact with the hardware devices
  • Interact with user
  • None of these

The UNIX operating system is written in the language.

  • Binary
  • C-Language

IMPORTANT: All PPSC Computer Operator Past Paper MCQs for PPSC computer test preparation online.

Read More: Computer MCQs and Computer MCQs Quizzes for more practice and preparation.

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