Mughal Empire MCQs

Important Mughal Empire MCQs for the preparation of competitive exams.

Mughal Empire MCQs

Who among the following defeated Babur in the Battle of Sar-e-Pul?

(A) Abdullah Khan Uzbek
(B) Shaibani Khan
(C) Ubaydullah Khan
(D) Jani Beg

The first Battle of Panipat was fought between

(A) Babur and Rana Sanga
(B) Sher Shah Suri and Akbar
(C) Humayun and Ibrahim Lodi
(D) Babur and Ibrahim Lodi

The Mughal ruler of medieval India was

(A) Persian (Iranian)
(B) Afghans
(C) Chagatai Turk
(D) None of the above

The main reason of Babur’s victory in the battle of Panipat was

(A) His horse riding force
(B) His skilled warfare
(C) Tulghuma system
(D) Internal disputes among Afghans

At which of the following battles was artillery used for the first time by one of the two armies?

(A) First Battle of Panipat
(B) Battle of Khanwa
(C) Battle of Plassey
(D) Third Battle of Panipat

Who fought the Battle of Kanauj on May, 1540?

(A) Babur and Sher Shah

(B) Humayun and Sher Shah

(C) Humayun and Mahmud Lodi

(D) Humayun and Bahadur Shah

In the pre-Mughal society, the most important factor for the growth of Purdah was

(A) Social

(B) Economic

(C) Political

(D) Religious

Who built the Grand Trunk Road which extended from Sonargaon (Bengal) to the Punjab?

(A) Babur

(B) Akbar

(C) Jahangir

(D) Sher Shah

Who introduced the branding of the horses (dagh) which was later followed by Akbar in the administration of the Mughal army?

(A) Ibrahim Lodi

(B) Babur

(C) Sher Shah

(D) Akbar

The Sarkars of Sher Shah’s empire were

(A) Provinces

(B) Sub-divisions

(C) Districts

(D) Villages

During the first four years of Akbar’s reign (1556-60) the Regent was

(A) Tardi Beg Khan

(B) Bairam Khan

(C) Hemu

(D) Maham Anaga

In Sher Shah’s administration, the highest division was

(A) Iqta

(B) Subah

(C) Sarkar

(D) Pargana

The follies which Humayun had committed during the conduct of two military campaigns, on account of which he lost his empire to Sher Shah Suri, were against:

(A) Gujarat and Malwa

(B) Gujarat and Bengal

(C) Malwa and Chunar

(D) Bengal and Malwa

Who invited Babur to attack India?

 (A) Daulat Khan Lodi

 (B) Rana Sangha

 (C) Sher Shah

 (D) Mahmud Lodi

The reason of Babur’s victory over Ibrahim Lodi was

(A) Bravery of Babur
(B) Artillery
(C) Weakness of Ibrahim
(D) Skilled commandant

Whom did Babur defeat in the first battle of Panipat?

(A) Rana Sanga
(B) Ibrahim Lodi
(C) Sikandar Lodi
(D) Sher Shah Suri

In which year, did Babur defeat Sultan Ibrahim Lodi at the battle of Panipat?

(A) 1527 A.D.
(B) 1526 A.D.
(C) 1525 A.D.
(D) 1524 A.D.

Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(A) First Battle of Panipat : 1526
(B) Battle of Khanwa : 1527
(C) Battle of Ghaghara : 1529
(D) Battle of Chanderi : 1530

During which one of the following battles, did Babur declare ‘Jehad’?

(A) Battle of Panipat
(B) Battle of Khanwa
(C) Battle of Chanderi
(D) None of the above

In which one of the following battles, Rana Sanga fought against Babur?

(A) Battle of Panipat
(B) Battle of Khanwa
(C) Battle of Chanderi
(D) Battle of Ghaghara

The ruler of Mewar who was defeated in the Battle of Khanwa by Akbar in 1527 was

(A) Rana Pratap
(B) Man Singh
(C) Sawai Uday Singh
(D) Rana Sanga

After becoming the Mughal Ruler in India, Zahiruddin Muhammad assumed the name

(A) Babur
(B) Humayun
(C) Jahangir
(D) Bahadur Shah

Babur assumed the title of ‘Padshah’ first at

(A) Ferghana
(B) Kabul
(C) Delhi
(D) Samarqand

In the pre- Mughal society, the study of the recitation of the vedas was banned for the

 (A) Brahmans

 (B) Kshatriyas

 (C) Shudras

 (D) Untouchables

Akbar introduced the Dahsala System with the help of

(A) Raja Todar Mal

(B) Raja Man Singh

(C) Raja Bhagwan Das

(D) Raja Birbal

In the Mughal administration Bakshi was

(A) Mint master

(B) Pay master-cum-incharge of intelligence service

(C) Treasurer

(D) In charge of revenue

Persons holding ranks from 2500 and above were known as

(A) Amir

(B) Amir-i-Umda

(C) Mansabdar

(D) Khwaja

Mansabdars who were paid in cash were called

(A) Jagirdars

(B) Mirzas

(C) Naqdis

(D) Amirs

In which of the following wings of the Mughal army were foreigners like the Portuguese and Ottomans employed?

(A) Cavalry

(B) Navy

(C) Artillery

(D) Match-lock men

In the Mughal Empire, the land revenue was stated mainly in

(A) Copper dams

(B) Silver rupees

(C) Gold Mohurs

(D) Maunds

The only type of Jagir which could not be transferred was the

(A) Watan Jagir

(B) Tan Jagir

(C) Khidmati Jagir

(D) Milkiyat Jagir

Identify the Mughal emperor whose success in life due to his patience and resolution is a lesson for everyone.

(A) Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur
(B) Nasiruddin Muhammad Humayun
(C) Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar
(D) Abdul Muzaffar Muhiuddin Aurangzeb

Which Hindu Rajya has been mentioned by Babur in his Babur Nama?

(A) Orissa
(B) Gujarat
(C) Mewar
(D) Kashmir

In which language was Tuzuk-i- Baburi written?

(A) Persian
(B) Arabic
(C) Turkish
(D) Urdu

Who wrote Akbar Nama?

(A) Akbar
(B) Abul Fazl
(C) Faizi
(D) Humayun

The Battle of Khanua was fought between:

(A) Babur and Ibrahim Lodi
(B) Babur and Jai Singh
(C) Babur and Rana Sanga
(D) Babur and Medini Rao

The early capital of the Nawabs of Awadh was:

(A) Panipat

(B) Kakori

(C) Lucknow

(D) Fyzabad

Who was the founder of the autonomous kingdom of Awadh or Oudh?

(A) Safdarjung

(B) Saadat khan

(C) Asaf-ud-Daula

(D) Shuja-ud-Daula

Who founded the state of Hyderabad?

(A) Nizam-ul-Mulk

(B) Zulfiqar Khan

(C) Nasir Jung

(D) Mahabat Khan

The nawab of Awadh who committed suicide to save himself from disgrace at the hands of Nadir Shah was

(A) SafdarJang

(B) Shuja-ud-daulah

(C) Saadat khan

(D) Asaf-ud-Daula

Aurangzeb ruled for almost

(A) 30 years

(B) 40 years

(C) 45 years

(D) 50 years

Who banned ‘sijda’ or prostration before the ruler?

(A) Aurangzeb

(B) Akbar

(C) Shah Jahan

(D) Jahangir

Under whose Noble did Bengal emerged as a regional state?

(A) Nizam Ul Mulk

(B) Alivardi Khan

(C) Murshid Quli Khan

(C) Ahmed Shah Abdali

The Second Battle of Panipat was fought between:

(A) Humayun and Sher Shah
(B) Bairam Khan and Hemu
(C) Humayun and Hemu
(D) Akbar and Hemu

Who was the Author of Humayun Nama?

(A) Humayun
(B) Gulbadan Begum
(C) Roshannara
(D) Akbar

The First Battle of Panipat (1526) marked the beginning of

(A) Mughal Rule in India
(B) Afghan Rule in India
(C) Turkish rule in India
(D) Rajput Rule in India

After Panipat, Babur had to face with the problem of dealing with the powerful forces of:

(A) Rajputs
(B) Afghans
(C) Lodis
(D) Marathas

Babur’s Tuzuk or Memoir is rightly classified as a classic of:

(A) World literature
(B) Indian literature
(C) Muslim literature
(D) Classic Literature

What kind of crisis existed during the Mughal period in the 1st half of the 18th century?

(A) Jagirdari crisis

(B) Crisis in the Mansabdari system

(C) Social crisis

(D) Economic bankruptsy

The economic and financial conditions of the Mughal Empire worsened during the closing years of whose reign?

(A) Shah Jahan

(B) Jahangir

(C) Aurangzeb

(D) Akbar

What is Jagirdari system?

(A) System of inheriting property

(B) Tax assignment

(C) Religious assignment

(D) Land revenue assignment

What was the birth name of Nizam-Ul-Mulk?

(A) Mahesh Pande

(B) Viman Pundit

(C) Chin Qilich Khan

(D) Mubariz Khan

Which of the following states were called the successor state?

(A) Gujarat, Awadh and Malwa

(B) Bengal, Awadh and Surat

(C) Bengal, Awadh and Hyderabad

(D) Gujarat, Bihar and Hyderabad

What was known as the ‘misls’ of the Sikhs?

(A) The 10th state of the Confederacy

(B) The 12th state of the Confederacy

(C) The 15th state of the Confederacy

(D) The 20th state of the Confederacy

Ahmad Shah Abdali was a/an

(A) Afghan

(B) Timurid

(C) Uzbek

(D) Persian

Aurangzeb was both a victim of circumstances, and helped to create the circumstances of which he became a victim’, who said this?

(A) Irfan Habib

(B) Satish Chandra

(C) JF Richards

(D) Athar Ali

The Mughals were descendants of the

(A) Mongols

(B) Chaghtai Turk Mongols

(C) Turks

(D) Afghans

Before the advent of Babur in India, the centre point of the struggle for Transoxiana in Central Asia was the control over

(A) Samarqand

(B) Farghana

(C) Kabul

(D) Khurasan

Babur was a descendant of

(A) Timur

(B) Chingiz Khan

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of the above

On the eve of Babur’s invasion, the Sultan of Delhi was

(A) Daulat Khan Lodi

(B) Sikandar Lodi

(C) Mahmud Lodi

(D) Ibrahim Lodi

Akbar ascended the throne in

(A) 1526

(B) 1554

(C) 1556

(D) 1560

Akbar ascended the throne at the age of

(A) 10 years

(B) 11 years

(C) 12 years

(D) 13 years

Bairam Khan, the Regent of Akbar, was assassinated on his journey to Mecca by

(A) Akbar

(B) Jehangir

(C) Abul Fazl

(D) An Afghan

Murshid Quli Khan ( 1713-27) was sent as Subadar (provincial governor) to Bengal by

(A) Aleba

(B) Shah Jahan

(C) Jahangir

(D) Aurangzeb

In the 18th century, the foremost among the new states were

(A) Bengal, Awadh and Hyderabad

(B) Awadh, Bengal and Surat

(C) Bengal, Awadh and Delhi

(D) Awadh, Bengal and Gujarat

The Jagirdari system implied giving the jagirdars or nobles a vested interest in collecting

(A) House rent

(B) Land Revenue

(C) Income tax

(D) Custom duties

There was a frequent system of transfer of jagirdars after every

(A) Three Years

(B) Four Years

(C) Five Years

(D) Six years

The regional state were competing with one another for resources which let to frequent

(A) Social conflict

(B) Military conflict

(C) Economic conflict

(D) Religious conflict

Who held that indigenous banking firms as indispensable allies of the Mughal?

(A) Cantwell Smith

(B) P Hardy

(C) JF Richards

(D) Karen Leonard

Who wrote the ‘The Agrarian System of Mughal India’?

(A) Irfan Habib

(B) Athar Ali

(C) Satish Chandra

(D) Muzaffar Alam

The most paying Jagirs were reserve for the ‘Khalisa’ to meet the cost of

(A) Rent

(B) War

(C) Maintenance of the army

(D) Salaries of the soldiers and officials of the state

Humayun had to run away from India after he was defeated in the Battle of

 (A) Kanauj

 (B) Panipat

 (C) Khanwa

(D) Ghagra

Which two important cities did Babur capture after the first Battle of Panipat?

 (A) Jaipur and Agra

 (B) Delhi and Agra

 (C) Amritsar and Delhi

 (D) Agra and Jaunpur

Which Mughal king popularised the use of gun powder and artillery in India?

 (A) Akbar

 (B) Humayun

 (C) Babur

 (D) Jahangir

Who among the following was in charge of foreign affairs in Sher Shah’s administration?

 (A) Diwan-i- insha

 (B) Diwan-i- rasalat

 (C) Diwan-i- wizarat

 (D) Diwan-i-Insha

Which of the following did NOT constitute part of the army reforms of Sher Shah?

 (A) Cash payment to soldiers

 (B) Introduction of swiftly moving artillery

 (C) Introduction of practice of branding of horses

 (D) Personal interest in recruitment and promotion of soldiers

Who among the following has issued the coin rupee for the first time?

 (A) Sher Shah

 (B) Allauddin Khilji

 (C) Akbar

 (D) Babur

How many central departments were established by Sher Shah Suri?

 (A) Three

 (B) Two

 (C) Five

 (D) Four

According to Smriti texts to punish the wicked and cherish the good was the duty of the

 (A) Brahmans

 (B) Kshatriyas

 (C) Vaishyas

 (D) Higher classes

The celebrated Kohinoor diamond and the world famous Peacock throne were carried away to Persia in 1739 by

(A) Nadir Shah

(B) Ahmad Shah Abdali

(C) Timur Shah

(D) Islam Shah

The son of Aurangzeb who succeeded him under the title of Bahadur Shah was:

(A) Jahandar Shah

(B) Muhammad Azam

(C) Akbar

(D) Muazzam

At the time of the Third Battle of Panipat, the Mughal Emperor was

(A) Shah Jahan II

(B) Alamgir

(C) Shah Alam

(D) Bahadur Shah

Murshid Quli Khan, the Mughal governor of Bengal, was originally:

(A) A Persian

(B) An Iraqi

(C) A Turani

(D) A South Indian Brahmin

Whom did Ahmad Shah Abdali proclaim emperor of India before leaving India after the Third Battle of Panipat?

(A) Alamgir II

(B) Shah Alam II

(C) Shah Jahan III

(D) Bahadur Shah

Which of the following varieties of land during Mughal period did not yield revenue to the state?

(A) Khalisa

(B) Sayur ghal

(C) Raiyati

(D) Jagir

The ‘Chain of Justice’ is associated with

(A) Humayun

(B) Akbar

(C) Jahangir

(D) Shah Jahan

Who among the following princes was a great patron of Art?

(A) Prince Dara Sikoh

(B) Prince Daniyal

(C) Prince Khusrau

(D) Prince Murad

The largest number of Books on classical Indian music in Persian was written during whose reign?

(A) Akbar

(B) Jahangir

(C) Shah Jahan

(D) Aurangzeb

Razmnama is a Persian translation of the

(A) Panchatantra

(B) Ramayana

(C) Mahabharata

(D) Kathasaritsagara

Who was the first Englishman to appear in the Mughal court during Jahangir’s reign?

(A) Paul Canning

(B) Ralph Fitch

(C) William Edward

(D) William Hawkins

For which of the following products of Bengal during the Mughal period, was that province especially famous?

(A) Rice

(B) Indigo

(C) Sugar

(D) Wheat

Which of the following was NOT one of the chief features of the Zabt system of Raja Todarmal?

(A) Survey and measurement of land

(B) Classification of land

(C) Biennial assessment

(D) Land divided into four categories

The first Mughal emperor to organize some sort of distress relief during the famines was:

(A) Akbar

(B) Jahangir

(C) Shah Jahan

(D) Babur

Introduction of which of the following crops during the Mughal period brought about a most remarkable change in the cropping pattern?

(A) Tea

(B) Tobacco

(C) Indigo

(D) Potato

Which of the following varieties of land available during the Mughal times did NOT yield any land revenue to the state?

(A) Khalisa or crown lands

(B) Jagir lands

(C) Sayurghal lands

(D) Paibaqi lands

The revenue assessment known as batai, ghalla bakshi or bhaoli was a method of crop sharing on the basis of

(A) Actual production

(B) Rough estimate of crops

(C) Mutual agreement (qabuliyat)

(D) Past revenue records

What was the Khalisa?

(A) Crown lands

(B) Jagir lands

(C) Land under peasant ownership

(D) Lands granted for religious purposes

Who propounded the ‘Great Firm’ theory of the decline of the Mughal Empire?

(A) Satish Chandra

(B) M. Athar Ali

(C) J.F. Richards, M.N. Pearson and P.Hardy

(D) Karen Leonard

Lands (given as jagirs) where it was difficult to realize land revenue on account of the entrenched power of the Zamindars and land owning community were called:

(A) Be-jagiri

(B) Sair hasil

(C) Zor-talab

(D) Paibaqi

According to Satish Chandra, the decline and downfall of the Mughal empire was due to:

(A) Faulty policies of Aurangzeb

(B) Economic, Social, Administrative, Political and Institutional factors

(C) Weakness of the later Mughals

(D) Regeneration of the nobility

The founder of the Sikh empire in the Punjab was

(A) Guru Nanak

(B) Ranjit Singh

(C) Guru Govind Singh

(D) Guru Teg Bahadur

During the Mughal Empire, revenue free grants given for charitable purposes were called:

(A) Taqavi

(B) Sayurghals

(C) Jeziya

(D) Madad-i-maash

The Ain-i-Dahsala was a:

(A) Military system

(B) Revenue Settlement

(C) Judicial System

(D) Religious System

The class of traders who specialized in carrying bulk goods during the Mughal period was known as:

(A) Banjaras

(B) Dalals

(C) Gumashtas

(D) Saraffs

What was the key weakness of the Mughal Empire?

(A) Absence of an efficient army

(B) Absence of naval power

(C) Poor administrative system

(D) Corruption of the nobility

What was the Law of Escheat during the Mughal Empire?

(A) Right to inherit property

(B) Confiscation of property after the death of a noble

(C) Right to collect land revenue

(D) Law regarding rights of the women

“Makhfi” was the literary pen-name of:

(A) Jahanara

(B) Roshanara

(C) Nurjahan

(D) Mumtaj Mahal

Which of the following spices was unknown during the Mughal period?

(A) Pepper

(B) Clove

(C) Cumin

(D) Capsicum or Chilli

Who was the first historian to mention the manufacture of paper in India?

(A) Alberuni

(B) Amir Khusrau

(C) Abul Fazl

(D) Utbi

Which prominent noble had a fleet of ships which sailed to Burma, Macassar and Maldives, Persia and Arabia?

(A) Mir Jumla

(B) Shaista Khan

(C) Wazir Khan

(D) Mahabat Khan

Which traveler wrote in the middle of the 17th century that Delhi was not less than Paris?

(A) Ralph Fitch

(B) Bernier

(C) Monserrate

(D) Tavernier

Most repeated Mughal Empire MCQs taken from the past papers for the preparation of competitive exams GK and history portion.

All these MCQs on Mughal Empire were taken from the past papers of UPSC, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, AJKPSC, NTS, OTS, Railway, banking and other exams.

Read More: General Knowledge MCQs

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