General Knowledge MCQs Quiz 49

GK MCQs Quiz 49

1 / 20

The Arrogance of Power was written by ?

2 / 20

Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy, and the West  was written by ?

3 / 20

Grafton Street is in Dublin and Fifth Avenue street is in _________?

4 / 20

Abbey Road Street is located in ?

5 / 20

Saeima is the parliament of ?

6 / 20

Bundesversammlung is parliament of ?

7 / 20

HUR is the secret agency of ?

8 / 20

Ginza Street is located in Tokyo. Where is Bourbon street located?

9 / 20

Seimas is the parliament of ?

10 / 20

Ribbon waterfall is located in which country?

11 / 20

Gavarnie Falls is located in which country?

12 / 20

Feather Falls is located in which country?

13 / 20

Virginia Falls is located in which country?

14 / 20

Reindeer is a lake located in which country?

15 / 20

Lake Ontario is located in which two countries?

16 / 20

Gersoppa waterfall is located in which country?

17 / 20

Sturt Stony desert is located in which country?

18 / 20

Troy is a legendary city of ?

19 / 20

Porcelain Tower of Nanjing is located in which country?

20 / 20

In which country were modern banknotes first used?

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The average score is 44%


General Knowledge Questions Related to Science

In this important General Knowledge Questions Related to Science, there are a total of twenty questions to solve online.

This quiz mcqs questions will help the job seekers aspirants to understand basic concepts of GK Test.

Aspirants must attempt all the questions in this gk test. After the completion, the students must submit their test to see their marks for this test. 

This gk quiz contains most important questions, mostly from the past papers. We have an average score of other aspirants who participate in this General Knowledge Questions Related to Science. 

The average score of others in this gk quizzes series, helps the candidates to compare their preparation level with competitors.

This General Knowledge Questions Related to Science is an effort from to support candidates in preparation of their upcoming gk test.

Read More: General Knowledge MCQs

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