UHS MDCAT Past Paper 2023

UHS MDCAT Past Paper 2023 MCQs for Punjab medical and dental colleges admission test preparation online.

UHS MDCAT Past Paper 2023 MCQs

The pen is expensive; still I _____ it.

  • Have bought
  • Buyed
  • Will buy
  • Bought

We just _____ a game of tennis

  • Had
  • Have
  • Has
  • Have had

____ methods don’t work. Choose the correct option:

  • That
  • The
  • This
  • These

A carpenter carves _____ on cab doors. Choose the right word to fill in the blank.

  • Ornate
  • Arabesque
  • Decked
  • Floral

 Choose the similar meaning of the bracketed word. (Providentially), his mind was not injured

  • Slowly
  • Steadily
  • Luckily
  • Really

At last the fly was _____ . The most appropriate word to be filled in is:

  • Trapped by the spider
  • Invited by the spider
  • Entertained by the spider
  • Spared by the spider

A shoal of fish _____ killed by the fishermen.

  • Had
  • Have
  • Has been
  • Has

 A few years ago, it _____ that human beings do not belong to this earth

  • Were found
  • Had found
  • Was found
  • Found

We felt as if the ground was _____ beneath our feet.

  • Digging
  • Slipping
  • Sinking
  • Bursting

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct:

  • He weighed two maunds
  • He weighed themselves two maunds
  • He weighed himself two maunds
  • He weighed itself two maunds

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