Abbreviations MCQs

Most important Abbreviations MCQs from past papers for one paper mcqs test preparation online.

Abbreviations MCQs

"NOC" stands for what
  1. New Order For Clerk
  2. No Official Correspondence
  3. NO Objection Certificate
  4. All
  5. None Of Above
NFPA stands for:
  1. National fire Protection Association
  2. National Gas Protection Association
  3. National Electric Protection Association
  4. none of these
NDMA stands for:
  1. National Disaster Management Authority
  2. National Development Management Authority
  3. National Disaster Management Authentication
  4. Nation Disaster Management Authority
  5. None of these
GDP stand for _____?
  1. Global Petroleum Corporation
  2. Global Demand for Production
  3. Gross Domestic Product
  4. None of these
WASA stands for
  1. Water and Sanitation Agency
  2. Water and social agency
  3. Water supply agency
  4. None
LDA stand for______
  1. London Development Agency
  2. Lahore Development Authority
  3. both
  4. none

FIA stands for

  1. First Investigation Agency
  2. Federal Investigation Agency
  3. Federal Investigation Agent
  4. None
ATM stands for:
  1. Automated Teller Machine
  2. Automated Tallest Machine
  3. Auto Transfer of Money
  4. None of These
ASI stand for
  1. Assistant sub Inspector
  2. Actuator Sensor Interaction
  3. Actuator Senses Interface
  4. None
C.J stands for:
  1. Common journalism
  2. Civil justice
  3. Chief justice
  4. Crime journalism
  5. None of

PTS stands for what?

  1. Programming Training School
  2. Police Training School
  3. Police Traveling School
  4. Punjab Training School

GT stands for what?

  1. Grand Transit Road
  2. Grand Turkish Road
  3. Grand Trunk Road
  4. None of these

PASSCO stands for?

  1. Pakistan Agriculture Sugar Supplies Corporation
  2. Pakistan Agriculture Seed Supplies Corporation
  3. Pakistan Agriculture Service Supplies Corporation
  4. None of these

PMC stands for

  1. Pakistan Medical Commission
  2. Pakistan Multan Commission
  3. Pakpattan Medical Commission
  4. Pakistan Medical Commandos

What is the meaning of FATA?

  1. Federally Administrated Territory Areas
  2. Federally Administrated Tribal Areas
  3. Fixed Administrated Tribal Areas
  4. For Administrated Tribal Areas
  5. b & c
KDA stand for
  1. Karachi Development Authority
  2. Kalkota Development Authority
  3. Kills Deaths Assists
  4. None
APP stands for
  1. Associated Press of Pakistan
  2. Associated Person of Pakistan
  3. Associated Press of Punjab
  4. All
DC stand for
  1. direct current
  2. direct collector
  3. District controller
  4. No
OGDC is an abbreviation of___?
  1. Oil & Gas Development Council
  2. Oil & Gas Development Company
  3. Oil & Gas Development Corporation
  4. None of above
SPM' stands for
  1. Standard Particles Material
  2. Solid Particular Matter
  3. Special polling Management
  4. Suspended Particulate Matter
  5. None of
PVC stands for____________?
  1. post varnish conductor
  2. pressed and varnished cloth
  3. polyvinyl chloride
  4. None
DC stand for
  1. direct current
  2. direct collector
  3. District controller
  4. None
PFUJ stands for___?
  1. Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists
  2. Pakistan Federal Under Journalists
  3. Pakistan Faisalabad Union of Journalists
  4. All of these
What does SWIFT stand for financial?
  1. Security for Worldwide International Financial Telecommunication
  2. Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
  3. Service the Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
  4. None of these
  5. All of these
ROs stand for____.
  1. Returning Officers
  2. Returning Offer
  3. Returning Official
  4. None of these
EFTA is the abbreviation of :
  1. European free trade association
  2. Eastern free trade association
  3. European free trade alliance
  4. None
RCD stands for
  1. Rural Cooperation for Development
  2. Regional Cooperation for Degree
  3. Regional concentration for Development
  4. Regional Cooperation for Development
  5. All of these
MOU stands for ______?
  1. Medical officer Union
  2. Memorandum Of Understanding
  3. Military Official Unit
  4. Media Official Unit
  5. None of the above
CNN stands for:
  1. Commonwealth news network
  2. Corporate national news
  3. Cable news network
  4. Central news network
  5. None of these
MBA stands for
  1. A Master of Business Administration
  2. A Master of Bachelor Administration
  3. A Master of Business Admission
  4. none
CCTV stands for
  1. Closed-circuit television
  2. Closed-circuit transmission
  3. both
  4. None of the above
UNESCO stands for:
  1. United Nations Economical, Science and Civilization Organization
  2. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  3. United Nations Energy, Science and Civilized Organization
  4. Universal Nations Energy, Science and Civilization Organization
D.O letter means?
  1. demand order letter
  2. Demi-official letter
  3. Direct order letter
  4. none of these
GPO stand for
  1. General post office
  2. Gross product office
  3. general purchase office
  4. None
HTV stand for
  1. Heavy Tactical Vehicle
  2. Heavy Transport Vehicle
  3. Heavy Transport Van
  4. None

SIM stands for ___________ ?

  1. Single in-line Module
  2. Single in-Line Memory
  3. Subscriber Identity Module
  4. None of these
VIP stand for
  1. very important person
  2. very important people
  3. Both
  4. None
UNCTAD stands for:
  1. United Nations Conference on Tourism and Development
  2. United Nations Conference on Trade and Deals
  3. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  4. None of these
The term AMLA stands for:
  1. Anti Money Laundering Authority
  2. Anti Money Laundering Act
  3. Anti Money Loaner Authority
  4. Anti Management Laundering Authority
  5. None of these
UNODC stands for:
  1. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
  2. United Nations Office on Drugs and Criminal
  3. United Nations Officer on Drugs and Crime
  4. United Nations Office on Drainage and Crime
  5. None of these

UNO Stand for?

  1. Uni Nations Organization
  2. Untied Nations Organization
  3. Un Nations Organization
  4. Under Nations Organization
GATT stands for:
  1. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
  2. General Agreement on Tariffs and Tour
  3. General Agreement on Turkiye and Trade
  4. None of these
ICAO stands for _________?
  1. International Civil American Organization
  2. International Civil Aviation Organization
  3. International Civil Aviation Opium
  4. None of these
ICBM stands for:
  1. International ballistic missile
  2. Intercontinental ballistic missile
  3. Iran ballistic missile
  4. None of these
CFAO stands for:
  1. Chief Financial and Administrative Officer
  2. Chief Financial and Admin Officer
  3. Chief Financial and Administrative Office
  4. None of these

FIR stands for _____?

  1. First Information Regular
  2. First Information Report
  3. None of these
  4. First in charge Report
FM stand for-----?
  1. frequent modulation
  2. Frequency Modulation
  3. Frequency Method
  4. Frequency molecules
ILO stands for
  1. International Labor Organization
  2. International Labor Organ
  3. Internet Labor Organization
  4. None

What is the full form of AIDS?

  1. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  2. Accepted immunodeficiency syndrome
  3. Acquired immunodeficiency symptoms
  4. Accepted immunodeficiency symptoms
  5. All of these

CBR stands for __________?

  1. Central Board of Revenue
  2. Control Board of Revenue
  3. California bearing Ratio
  4. Central Bank of The Russi
UNCSW stands for:
  1. United Nations Commission on the Status of Working
  2. United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
  3. United Nations Careful on the Status of Women
  4. None of these

UNICEF stands for_______?

  1. United National internal cultural educational foundation
  2. United National international children emergency fund
  3. United National international children educational foundation
  4. United National international cultural emergency fund
In Pakistan, NCOC stands for_____?
  1. Non-Command and Operation Centre
  2. New Command and Operation Centre
  3. National Command and Operation Centre
  4. National Command and Outstanding Centre
CCI stands for:
  1. Counsel of common inference
  2. Council of Common Interests
  3. Chronic Coronary Insufficiency
  4. California Correctional Institution
  5. None of these
UPS stands for
  1. uninterruptible power supply
  2. unforeseeable power supply
  3. uninterruptible power supplement
  4. None
WAF stands for
  1. Women's Action Filling
  2. Women's Action Forum
  3. Women's Army Fund
  4. Women's Action Fund
I S S B stand for?
  1. Inter Services Selection Board
  2. Inter Short Services Board
  3. Inter-Services Selection Bureau
  4. None of these
POC stand for in NADRA.
  1. Political Origin Card
  2. Pakistan Origin Card
  3. Pakistan Original Card
  4. Pakistan Official Card
DAU stand for in NADRA.
  1. Data Acquisition Unit
  2. Data Acquisition United
  3. Degital Acquisition Unit
  4. Data Access Unit
AFIS stands for in NADRA.
  1. Automated Finger Identification System
  2. Auto Fingerprint Identification System
  3. Auto Finger Identification System
  4. Automated Fingerprint Identification System
NRC stands for in NADRA.
  1. NADRA Relatd Center
  2. NADRA Regional Center
  3. NADRA Registration Center
  4. NADRA Registration Counter
MRV stands for in NADRA.
  1. Mobile Registration Vehicle
  2. Moveable Registration Ven
  3. Master Registration Vehicle
  4. Members Registration Vehicle
CRMS stand for in NADRA.
  1. Civil Registration Modern System
  2. Civil Related Management System
  3. Civil Registration Management Section
  4. Civil Registration Management System
CBRC stand for in NADRA.
  1. Child Born Registration Certificate
  2. Civilian Birth Registration Certificate
  3. Child Birth Registration Certificate
  4. None of these
What does NIC stand for in NADRA?
  1. National Identity System
  2. Network and Information Security
  3. National Interface Card
  4. New Identity System
MADU stands for in NADRA.
  1. Mobile Data Accessing Unit
  2. Mobile Digital Data Accessing Unit
  3. Mobile Data Accuracy Unit
  4. Mobile Data Accessing Universal Unit
SOP stands for?
  1. Stand for producer
  2. Standoff product
  3. standard operating procedure
  4. none of these
NICOP stand for in NADRA.
  1. New Identity Card for Overall Pakistanis
  2. National Information Card for Others Pakistanis
  3. National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis
  4. Nominated Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis
FRC stand for in NADRA.
  1. First Registration Certificate
  2. Family Registration Certificate
  3. Family Rights Certificate
  4. Full Registration Certificate
NADRA stands for:
  1. National Database and Registration Authority
  2. National Database and Registrar Authority
  3. Nation Database and Registrar Authority
  4. None of these

PTA stands for:

  1. Preferential Tour Agreement
  2. Pakistan Trade Agreement
  3. Preferential Trade Agreement
  4. Preferential Trade Attock

In first aid , ABC stands for _______?

  1. Airway, Bones, and Circulation
  2. Airway, Breathing, and Circulation
  3. Airway, Badges, and Cough
  4. None of these
ICT stands for
  1. Islamabad Capital Territory
  2. Islamabad capital total
  3. Islamabad city tribes
  4. none of these
MTI stands for
  1. Medical Teachers Institution
  2. Medical Teaching Islamabad
  3. Medical Teaching Institution
  4. Mayo Teaching Institution
In financial terms, what does IRR represent?
  1. Internal Revenue Rate
  2. Internal Risk Ratio
  3. Internal Rate of Return
  4. Interest Rate Revenue
In financial terms what does RIO stand for
  1. Return on investment
  2. Rate or Investment
  3. Revenue on Investment
  4. Rist of investment
P. A. E. C stands for?
  1. Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
  2. Pakistan Atomic Employment Commission
  3. Basic Pay Scales
  4. None of above
NAFTA stands for ______.
  1. North American Free Trade Agencies
  2. North Alliance Free Trade Agreement
  3. North American Free Trade Agreement
  4. None of these
What is the abbreviation of NDLP ?
  1. National Digital Library of Pakistan
  2. National Digital Library Program
  3. National Digital Library
  4. None of these

What is the full form of HIV?

  1. Human immunodeficiency virus
  2. Human immunodeficiency vessels
  3. Health interexchange virus
  4. Health immunodeficiency virus
  5. All of these
OIC Stands for:
  1. Organization of Islamic Cooperation
  2. Organization of Islamic Coordination
  3. Organization Upper Islamic Cooperation
  4. Organization of Islamic Cooperative
  5. None of these

PPP stands for

  1. Pakistan Poor Party
  2. Pakistan Persons Party
  3. Pakistan Programming Party
  4. Pakistan Peoples Party
OIC is an abbreviation of?
  1. Organization of Islamic Cooperative
  2. Organization Upper Islamic Cooperation
  3. Organization of Islamic Coordination
  4. Organization of Islamic Cooperation

ICT stands for what?

  1. Information and communication techniques
  2. Internet and communcation television
  3. Internet communication tool
  4. Information and communication technology

PIA stand for

  1. Pakistan International Airlines
  2. Pakistan International Airport
  3. Pak International Airlines
  4. None of thesse

IMF stands for

  1. Iraq Monetary Fund
  2. Indonesia Monetary Fund
  3. Iran Monetary Fund
  4. International Monetary Fund
  5. All of these
CPEC stand for:
  1. China Pakistan economic corporation
  2. China Pakistan economic corridor
  3. Pakistan China economic corporation
  4. Pakistan China economic corridor

IFAC is an abbreviation of?

  1. International Federation of Accountants
  2. International Federation of Account
  3. International Founder of Accountants
  4. None

SARS stands for?

  1. Severe Asthma Respiratory Syndrome
  2. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
  3. Severe AIDS Respiratory Syndrome
  4. Severe Amaurosis Respiratory Syndrome

OPEC stands for?

  1. Oil and Petroleum Exporting Countries
  2. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
  3. Organization of the Project Exporting Countries
  4. Oil Petrol and energy commission

MTCR stands for _______?

  1. Missile Technology Control Regulation
  2. Missile Technology Control Regine
  3. Missile Technology Control Record
  4. None
GPS is an abbreviation of:
  1. Google positing system
  2. Global positioning system
  3. Global positioning station
  4. None

CNG stand for ____?

  1. Composed Natural Gas
  2. Compressed Neutral Gas
  3. Compressed Natural Gas
  4. None of these
DNA is the abbreviation of ___.
  1. Decomposednucleic Acid
  2. Degeneratenucleic Acid
  3. Deoxyribonucleic Acid
  4. None of these

SAARC stands for ____?

  1. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
  2. South American Association for Regional Cooperation
  3. Small Agricultural Association for Regional Cooperation
  4. South Asia Association for Railway Cooperation
  5. All of these
FAO stands for
  1. Food and Airoplane Organization
  2. Food and Agriculture Olympic
  3. Food and Agriculture Organization
  4. None of these
NRO stands for?
  1. National Reconciliation Order
  2. New Reconciliation Ordinance
  3. National Reconciliation Ordinance
  4. None of these

In Pakistan, IRSA stands for ______.

  1. Indus River System Authority
  2. International River System Authority
  3. Indus River System Agency
  4. Internal Research Systematic Agency
  5. All of these

SOS stands for___

  1. Save our souls
  2. Save our shops
  3. Save Our Ship
  4. none
What is the full of ADH?
  1. Adenosine Double Hormone
  2. Aciddic Diuretlic Hormone
  3. Adhesive Diuretic Hormone
  4. Antidiuretic hormone
WWF stands for______?
  1. World Wide Framework
  2. World Wide Fund
  3. World Window Fund
  4. None of these

The term DFA stands for

  1. Demand for approval
  2. Draft for approval
  3. Demand for allowance
  4. Demand for authentication
  5. None of these
P5 stands for:
  1. 5 permanent members of UN security council
  2. A cruise missile
  3. Election manifesto of PPP
  4. A mountainous peak in Nanga Parbat
  5. None of these

IPP stands for

  1. International press of Pakistan
  2. Independent power producer
  3. Internal power plant
  4. None

EVM Stand for?

  1. Electronic Volt Machines
  2. Election Voting Machines
  3. Electronic Voting Machines
  4. Electronic Victory Machines
SNGPL stands for___?
  1. Sui Northern Gas Pakistan Limited
  2. Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited
  3. Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Lahore
  4. Both A& B
  5. None
BRI stands for
  1. The Belt and Road Initiative
  2. The Belt and Race Initiative
  3. The Belt and Road Idea
  4. The Belt and Road Identity
In Pakistan, RTS Stands for ___________.
  1. Result Transmitting System
  2. Result Transforming System
  3. Result Transmission System
  4. Request to Send
RFP means?
  1. request for proposal
  2. request for payment
  3. request for punishment
  4. request for protocol
WTO stand for
  1. World Trade Organization
  2. World Tariff Organization
  3. World Trade Organizer
  4. None of these
RBOD stands for:
  1. Raining Bank Outfall Drain
  2. Right Bank Outfall Drain
  3. Rain Binding Outfall Drain
  4. Ring Bank Outfall Drain
ICC stands for:
  1. International Cricket Council
  2. International Cricket Career
  3. International Cricket Cash
  4. None of these
THAAD stands for:
  1. Terminal High Altitude Area Degree
  2. Terminal Hijack Altitude Area Defense
  3. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense
  4. None of these
IOC stands for:
  1. Iraq Olympic Committee
  2. India Olympic Committee
  3. Iran Olympic Committee
  4. International Olympic Committee
HRM stands for?
  1. Human resource management
  2. Human resource manager
  3. Human resource measurement
  4. none of these
NACTA Stands for:
  1. Pakistan National Counter Terrorism Authority
  2. Pakistan National Committee Terrorism Authority
  3. Pakistan National Counter Terrorism Action
  4. Pakistan Nuclear Counter Terrorism Authority
DBMS stands for ______-
  1. database management software
  2. database manager system
  3. database management system
  4. none
ISS stands for:
  1. Iran Space Station
  2. International Space Station
  3. Iraq Space Station
  4. International Spain Station
  5. None of these
CEC stands for:
  1. Chief Election Committee
  2. Chief Election Commissioner
  3. Chairman Election Commissioner
  4. Chief Electricity Commissioner
  5. None of these
In Pakistan, PARC stands for:
  1. Pakistan Abottabad Research Council
  2. Pakistan Agricultural Renegotiate Council
  3. Pakistan Agricultural Research Council
  4. None of these
JWST stands for:
  1. James Webb Space Telegram
  2. James Webb Space Telescope
  3. James Webb Southern Telescope
  4. None of these
EDO is the abbreviation of?
  1. Executive District Officer
  2. Energetic district officer
  3. Executive district officer
  4. none of these
In Pakistan military, FWO stands for:
  1. Frontier Weapons Organization
  2. Fort Abbas Works Organization
  3. Federal Works Organization
  4. Frontier Works Organization
ASEAN stands for :
  1. Association of Southeast African Nations
  2. Association of Southeast American Nations
  3. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  4. Association of Southeast Australian Nations
  5. None of these
What does FAT stands for?
  1. File attribute type
  2. File Allocation Treaty
  3. File allocation table
  4. Format All Tabs settings
  5. Non
GCC stands for:
  1. Gulf cooperation congress
  2. Gulf cooperation company
  3. Gulf cooperation council
  4. None of these
SMEDA stands for:
  1. Small and Medium Entities Development Authority
  2. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency
  3. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority
  4. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Association
  5. None of these
IDB stands for
  1. Islamic Development Bank
  2. Islamic Dawn Bank
  3. Islamic Development Bhutan
  4. None of thee
SAFTA stands for
  1. South Asian Free Trade All
  2. South Asian Free Tour Agreement
  3. South African Free Trade Agreement
  4. South Asian Free Trade Agreement
  5. None of these

These important Abbreviations MCQs taken from past paper of PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, UPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, and other exams.

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