Agricultural Economics MCQS With Answers

Important Agricultural economics mcqs with answers for agriculture department test paper preparation online

Agricultural Economics MCQS With Answers

If the quantity of organic matter is more than 50% is called _____?

A. Clay soil
B. Sandy soil
C. Peat soil
D. All of these

These crops are planted in winter from October to December and harvested in summer from March to May is called _____?

A. Kharif crops
B. Rabi crops
C. Relay crops
D. All of these

The depth of irrigation water required for the full crop period is called _____?

A. Delta of water 
B. Water required
C. Crop water required
D. None of these

Plants uptake their nutrients from __________?

A. Air
B. Water
C. So
D. All the above

Generally field crops are cultivated at altitude ______?

A. 20004000 ft
B. 0008000 ft
C. 1200014000 ft
D. 02000 ft

The condition of drying of plant parts due to lack of water is called ______?

A. Water stress
B. Drought
C. Wilting
D. None of the above

Due to phosphorus deficiency in plants _______?

A. Roots do not develop properly
B. Plants mature late
C. Poor flowering and fruil selling occurs
D. All the above

the layer of atmosphere which blocks ultraviolet radiation from sun is _______?

A. Stratosphere
B. Ozone
C. Ozosphere
D. All the above

Partially decomposed organic matter is termed as _______?

A. Humus
B. Farm yard manure
C. Composet
D. All the above

Narcotic crops mainly grown in Pakistan is _______?

A. Pyrethrum
B. Cocon
C. Tobacco
D. Co see

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