Agricultural Economics MCQS With Answers

The lowest pest population that will cause economic damage is called _____?

A. Economic pest
B. Economic threshold
C. Economic damage
D. None of the above

Which one of the following is C4 plain ____?

A. Sugarcane
B. Sorghum
C. Make
D. All the above

Melilotus alba is objectional weed of ______?

A. Okra
B. Methi
C. Cucurbits
D. Wee

The significance of difference among several means is tested with the level of _____?

A. F-test
B. t-test
C. Z-test
D. X-test

The ratio of treatment variance to error variance is known as _____?

A. Correlation
B. F-value
C. Critical difference
D. I-value

In pulses, limiting amino acids are ______?

A. Lysine
B. Theronine
C. Tryptophan
D. Methionine

The series of transformation which a nutrient undergoes in the biosphere before returning to its original formed is called ____?

A. Carbon cycle
B. Nutrient cycle
C. Nitrogen cycle
D. None of the above

Auxins and cytokinins are ______?

A. Growth regulators
B. Herbicides
C. Insecticides
D. Fungicides

Conducting experiments in glasses is called ____?

A. Invitro
B. Invivo
C. In-ova
D. In-sin

What do you mean by WTO ______?

A. World trade organization
B. Western training organization
C. World trade order
D. non of there

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