Agricultural Economics MCQS With Answers

Total cropped area of Sindh is _____?

A. 2.8 million hac
B. 3.75 million hac
C. 4.00 million hac
D. 4.5 million hac

In wheat, production of certified seed needs an isolation distance of _____?

A. 5 Meters
B. 4 Meters
C. 3 Meters
D. 2 Meters

Breeder seed is the progeny of ______?

A. Certified seed
B. Nucleus seed
C. Foundation seed
D. Registered seed

In Sunflower, production of foundation seed requires as isolation distance of _____?

A. 400 meters
B. 800 meters
C. 200 meters
D. 100 meters

In Bindi, production of foundation seed needs an isolation distance of ____?

A. 100 meters
B. 50 meters
C. 200 meters
D. 3 meters

International institute for Tropical Agriculture is located at ____?

A. Mexico
B. Nigeria
C. Syria
D. Columbia

The negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration, a measure of the acidity of a solution is called ____?

A. pH
C. Cl
D. Saliruiy

A region with an annual rainfall less than 10 inches comes under ____?

A. And climate
B. Semi-and climate
C. Wet climate
D. None of the above

The amount of water required to rise a crop to matunty with in a given period of time is called _____?

A. Water frequency
B. Water depletion
C. Water balance
D. Crop Water requirement

The practice of producing two successive crops of same species from same piece of land in one year is called ____?

A. Intercropping
B. Doubling cropping
C. Monocropping
D. Cropping pattern

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