Seed rate of cotton per acre is _____?
A. 10-22 kg
B. 5-6 kg
C. 14-21 kg
CCRI stands for _____?
A. Cotton crop research institute
B. Center for crop research institute
C. Central cotton research institute
D. non of these
The productive branches of cotton are called _____?
A. Monopodial branches
B. Sympodial branches
C. Fruiting branches
D. non of these
On the basis of season cotton is a _____?
A. Kharif crop
B. Rabi crop
C. Zaid Kharif crop
In B.T cotton B.T. stands for _____?
A. Bacillus thuringensis
B. Bemisia tabaci
C. Bemisia trachyplerus
The root of cotton plant goes up to depth of ____?
A. 2-3 ft
B. 4-6 ft
C. 8-10 ft
D. non of these
Cotton plant has mode of germination ____?
A. Determinate type of growth
B. Indeterminate type of growth
C. Semi-determinate
D. Buslry growth habit
APTMA stands for _______?
A. All Pakistan textile mills association
B. All Pakistan trade monitoring association
C. All Pakistan trade monitoring agency
D. All Pakistan textile mill management authority
In 1992-93 the greatest decrease in the production of cotton was due to attack of ____?
A. American boll worm
C. Spotted boll worm
D. Aphids
Delta pine variety of cotton was imported in Pakistan in the year _____?
A. 1970
B. 1968
C. 1971
D. 1978