On the basis of yield of cotton per hectare which of the following country occupies second position ___?
A. Pakistan
B. Turkey
C. China
D. non of these
Among the cotton exporting countries the number of China is ______?
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th
Among the cotton exporting countries the number of America is ___?
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th
First ginning machine was invented in ____?
A. 1893 AD
B. 1880 AD
C. 1793 AD
D. 1650 AD
England cotton was imported from the time in ______?
A. 1430 AD
B. 1435 AD
C. 1530 AD
D. 1500 AD
Gassypium barbadense was developed from a cross between ______?
A. G. herbaceum and G. raimondii
B. G. arborieum and G. raimondii
C. G. hirsutum and G. raimondii
Gassypium barbadense was originated in ____?
A. Central and North America
B. Central and South America
C. Central and South Asia
D. North Mexico and North America
Genus of cotton is _____?
A. Hirsutum
B. Triticum
C. Gassypium
D. Hordeunt
Gassypium hirsutum is _____?
A. Tetraploid
B. Diploid
C. Triploid
D. Hexaploid
The Cotton plant belong to family ?
A. Gramineae
B. Fabaceae
C. Malvaceae
D. Leguminaceae