Agricultural Economics MCQS With Answers

Which one of the following is a major fiber crop of Pakistan ?

A. Sugarcane
B. Cotton
C. Sesame
D. Jute

Organic farming, is a copping system in which ______?

A. Fertilizers and pesticides are widely used
B. Fertilizers and pesticides are net used
C. Farm yard manure r not used
D. Green manuring

A nutrient element is said to be essential if ______?

A. Plants can not complete their life cycle in absence of that element
B. Nutrients has some physiological function in metabolism of plant
C. Deficiency symptoms can be removed by application of that putrid
D. All the above

The vegetation found on high altitude mountain is _____?

A. Alpine vegetation
B. Tundra vegetation
C. Conferous vegetation
D. None of the above

The soil are contains ______?

A. Less oxygen as compared 10 atmosphere
B. More carbon dioxide as compared to atmosphere
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above

The plants which, grow neither in dry nor in wet condition are _____?

A. Xerophytes
B. Amphibiophytes
C. Mesophytes
D. Hydrophytes

Plants adopted to arid regions are _____?

A. Mesophytes
B. Hydrophytes
C. Xerophytes
D. Aridic plants

Mutual association between fungi and roots of plants is known as _____?

A. Rhizospher
B. Mycorrhizae
C. Root fungi
D. None of the above

Zinc deficiency is generally observed in ______?

A. Wheat
B. Vegetables
C. Race
D. Cotton

Fertilizer application before seed sowing is called ______?

A. Top dressing
B. Broadcasting
C. Basal application
D. Drilling

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