Agricultural Economics MCQS With Answers

The plants which grown on stream bank are ______?

A. Pheritophytes
B. Bryophytes
C. Xerophytes
D. None of the above

The environment where an organism lives is _______?

A. Habitat
B. Logging
C. Girding
D. None of the above

What is catchment _____?

A. An area which drains in to pond
B. An area of woody plantation
C. Ail area of waterlogged condition
D. None of the above

In Raygistan area which districts of Sindh are included _____?

A. Karachi
B. Hyderabad and N.Shah
C. Sukkar and. Khairpur
D. None of the above

AZR1 is ____?

A. Arid zone research institute
B. Agriculture zonal research institute
C. Attock Zonal research institute
D. None of the above

A long severe winter and short summer is called _____?

A. Arctic
B. Sub-temperature
C. Semiarid
D. Semi arctic

Hot with a cool winter is ________?

A. Temperature
B. Arid
C. Subtropical
D. None of the above

Which province the only source of income is livestock grazing in range lands ____?

A. Punjab
C. Balochistan
D. Sindhi

When the course of water is blocked at some places if is called ______?

A. Lake
B. Dam
C. River
D. Head works

PASSCO stands for ____?

A. Pakistan Agriculture Sugar Supplies Corporation
B. Pakistan Agriculture Seed Supplies Corporation
C. Pakistan Agriculture Service Supplies Corporation
D. non of these

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