Agricultural Economics MCQS With Answers

Green revolution came into being due to evolution of _____?

A. Wheat varieties
B. Sugarcane varieties
C. Cotton varieties
D. All the above

Root nodules in plants help in _______?

A. Photosynthesis
B. aeration
C. Nitrogen fixation
D. Respiration

Excess of nitrogen to plants causes _____?

A. Delay in ripening
B. Delay in growth
C. Delay in germination
D. All the above

Penetrometer are used for measuring _____?

A. Soil tilth depth
B. Soil moisture
C. Soil compaction
D. Soil seepage

2,4-d is synthetic herbicide derived from ____?

A. Amino acid
B. Valine
C. Auxins
D. Cytokmins

In wheat total crop P uptake per ton of gram is about; ______?

A. 5-20 Kg
B. 2-3Kg
C. 5-7 Kg
D. 20-25 Kg

N mineralization is effected by soil pH ____?

A. Below 6
B. Above 6
C. Above 10
D. None of the above

Low soil pH is the indication of ____?

A. High Mg and Ca
B. High N and S
C. Low N and Ca
D. Moderate Mg and Ca

The K is predominantly in _____?

A. Leaves
B. Straw
C. Grain
D. All the above

In Pakistan the area effected due to water erosion is about _____?

A. 12 million to
B. 13.05 million lia
C. 22 million ha
D. 15 million lva

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