Agricultural Economics MCQS With Answers

A condition of green plants in which they become unhealthy and pale fellow in colour is known as ______?

A. Chromoplast
B. Leucoplast
C. Chlorosis
D. Chromoplast

Growing more then one crop in a season in the same land is called _____?

A. Monocropping
B. Double cropping
C. Intensive cropping
D. Intercropping

Wheat is predominantly _____?

A. Self pollinated crop
B. Often cross pollinated crop
C. Cross pollinated crop
D. Apomictie crop

Yield losses of rice crop due to weed infestation are _______?

A. 10-20%
B. 5-15%
C. 20-50%
D. 20-60%

Dwarf varieties of wheat are more resistance to ____?

A. Disease
B. Insect pest
C. Lodging
D. Viruses

The cotton plant sheds more fruits mainly due to _____?

A. More number of irrigations
B. Higher temperature
C. Higher dose of fertilizer
D. Insects and pest

The organisms which do not prepare their own food and depend on the dead organisms are called ______?

A. Saprophytes
B. Parasites
C. Obligatory parasites
D. Bacteria

When crop plants adopt to a new environment are called ______?

A. Accaumatization
B. Domestication
C. Selection
D. Introduction

Plants which change from the vegetative to the reproductive stage by producing flowers and fruits when the day become longer is called _____?

A. Long day plants
B. Short day plants
C. Photoperiod
D. Phototropism

The process of converting food nutrients to carbohydrates in plants is called ____?

A. Metabolism
B. Photosynthesis
C. Absorption
D. Assimilation

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