Agricultural Economics MCQS With Answers

Weedicides that kill the foliage of weeds by direct contact are as _____?

A. Trifluration
B. Paraquet
C. Bromoxy nil
D. Loxynil

Soil water in excess of hygroscopic and capillary water which moves downward through the soil by the force of gravity is called _____?

A. Capillary water
B. sub-surface water
C. Gravitational water
D. Run off water

The application of fertilizer nutrients in proportions best suited to the needs of the crop is called _____?

A. fertilizer placement
B. fertilizer use efficiency
C. Nitrogen use efficiency
D. Balanced fertilization

The total dry matter produced by a plant as a result of photosynthesis is called ____?

A. Biological yield
B. Harvest index
C. Dry matter
D. Crop growth

The heating of atmosphere by gases that are transparent to sun light but opaque to radiated heat is called ____?

A. Green house effect
B. Pollution
C. Warming
D. Solar radiation

The depth of water required by crops during the base period is called _______?

A. Frequency of water
B. Acre inch
C. Duty of water
D. Delta of water

Major source of sugar in world is ______?

A. Dates
B. Beet root
C. Water melon
D. Sugarcane

An example of monocot fiber yielding plant is _____?

A. Cocos
B. Clemates
C. Corchorus
D. Crotalaria

Number of irrigation required for cotton crop are _____?

A. 5 irrigations
B. 6 irrigations
C. 8 irrigations

Best time of sowing for cotton is _____?

A. Mid March to mid April
B. Mid May to mid July
C. Mid June to mid July
D. non of these

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