Agricultural Economics MCQS With Answers

Recommended method for cotton sowing is ______?

A. Broad cast method
B. Drill method
C. Ridge sowing method
D. non of these

Seed rat of American cotton per acre is ______?

A. 10-12 kg
B. 6-8 kg
C. 15-18 kg
D. non of these

The unproductive branches of cotton are called _____?

A. Sympodial branches
B. Monopodial branches
C. Vegetative branches

Optimum pH for cotton plant lies between _____?

A. 5.2 to 9.0
B. 5.2 to 7.0
C. 3.5 to 5.5
D. non of these

Bacillus thuringensis season cotton is a _____?

A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Fungi
D. non of these

Cotton is a crop of ______?

A. Tropical region
B. Sub-tropical region
C. Both A and B

Cotton plant has a mode of germination _____?

A. Hypogeal germination
B. Epigeal germination
C. Both of the above
D. non of these

Cotton plant belong to one of the following categories ___?

A. C4 plant
B. CAM plant
C. C3 plant
D.non of these

CLCV stands for ______?

A. Cotton leaf cover virus
B. cotton leaf curl virus
C. cotton leaf cotton virus
D. cotton leaf complete virus

In 1991-92 the record production of cotton in Pakistan was _____?

A. 12800,000 bales
B. 1200,000 bales
C. 1000,000 bales
D. 1100,000 bales

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