Agricultural Economics MCQS With Answers

Hitting the seed with force against a hard surface to break seed dormancy is called _____?

A. Impaction
B. Abrasion
C. Stratification
D. Scarification

The value of regression and correlation is the same when the correlation between two variables is _____?

A. Imperfect
B. Perfect
C. Positive
D. Negative

A crop grown on residual moisture after harvesting rice is called ______?

A. Barani crop
B. Dubari crop
C. Ratoon crop
D. Sure crop

The given off water vapours from the surface of leaves is called ______?

A. Transpiration
B. Respiration
C. Exudation
D. Evaporation

Mg in plants act as _______?

A. Protein activator
B. Enzyme activator
C. Starch activator
D. None of the above

Tensiometer is used for measuring ______?

A. Soil moisture
B. Water pressure
C. Wind pressure
D. None of the above

The contact herbicides are less effective to _____?

A. Broad leaved weeds
B. Perenial plants
C. Seasonal plants
D. All the above

Two much Mg may create deficiency for ______?

A. P
B. Ca
C. N
D. K

In wheat total crop N uptake per ton of grain is about _____?

A. 50-60 Kg
B. 20-30 Kg
C. 15-20 Kg
D. 70-80 Kg

The sever salinity problem has taken lands out of production as _____?

A. 50%
B. 10%
C. 45%
D. 30%

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