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MOU stands for ____?
- Medical officer Union
- Memorandum Of Understanding
- Military Official Unit
- Media Official Unit
- None of the above
Anti-Narcotics Control was raised in the year:
- 2005
- 1995
- 1974
- 2001
- 2007
How many regional directorates ANF has?
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 25
Which procedural code is applicable for prosecution of Narcotics related offences?
- Code of civil procedure
- code of criminal procedure
- Control of Narcotics substance act
- Constitution of 1973
- None of the above
Which of the following can survive centuries?
- Milk
- Yogurt
- Butter
- Honey
- All of these
What Punctuation Mark is used before a list of names or an enumeration of particulars :
- comma
- hyphen
- colon
- None
How many Muslims fought in the battle of Badr?
- 213
- 313
- 3013
- 320
One kilometer is equal to?
- 100 miles
- 100 meters
- 1000 meters
- 1.6 miles
How many manzils (Stages) are there in Quran?
- 9
- 7
- 5
- 2
- None of these
Hazrat Khadija (RA) died in ?
- 620 A.D
- 619 A.D
- 618 A.D
- 621 A.D
- None of these
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