Search and Arrest ________ any person who he suspects of endangering, or attempting to endanger, or having endangered, the safety of an aerodrome or airport or an aircraft.
- with permission of DG ASF
- with warrant
- without warrant
- None of these
The Director-General may, with the previous approval of the Federal Government, call for _______ assistance in connection with post-landing and anti-hijacking operations at an airport or aerodrome.
- Rangers
- Police
- Military
- none of these
An officer, for the purpose of this Act, shall exercise, within the areas in which this Act applies, all the powers conferred on an officer incharge of a _______.
- Military Station
- Police Station (SHO)
- Military Check Post
- none of these
An officer or member of the Force who is sentenced to imprisonment for a term which is not less than ________ shall be deemed to have been dismissed from the Force.
- 50 days
- 60 days
- 80 days
- 90 days
Appointment of officers and other members of the ASF ___?
- The Director-General may appoint BS 1 to 16
- The Federal Government may appoint BS 17 and above
- All of these
- None of these
According to ASF Act 1975, Certificate mentioned in which Schedule?
- First Schedule
- second Schedule
- Third Schedule
- Forth Schedule
According to ASF Act 1975, Form of Affirmation mentioned in which Schedule?
- First Schedule
- second Schedule
- Third Schedule
- Forth Schedule
The ASF is mainly responsible for security of __________?
- airports and aircraft
- only commercial airports
- only Govt airports
- none of these
According to ASF Act 1975, Who is the Commander of ASF?
- Force Commander
- Director General
- Army Chief
- Prime Minister
what is the difference between Act and Ordinance?
- Act approved by Parliament and President
- Ordinance Approved only President
- Act enforced all over Pakistan (Permanent)
- Ordinance enforced for specific period and purpose (temporary)
- All of these