ASI Past Papers SPSC Solved MCQs 2020 -2024

North pole repels the ___ pole:
  1. South
  2. North
  3. East
  4. West
How many cardinal directions are there in the world?
  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6
Clinical treatment has a range of___ c to ____c.
  1. 35 degree centigrade to 42 degree centigrade
  2. 30 degree centigrade to 42 degree centigrade
  3. 30 degree centigrade to 50 degree centigrade
  4. None
The study of human necessity and desire is called:
  1. Sociology
  2. Economic
  3. politics
  4. None
Coastal breeze is generally produced by:
  1. Conviction
  2. Conduction
  3. Radiation
  4. Sublimation
Solutions in which water is used as solvent are called___.
  1. Universal solutions
  2. Aqueous Solutions
  3. Aqueous Compound
  4. None
Uncontrolled cell growth followed by tumors by major cause:
  1. Mouth ulcer
  2. Stomach ulcer
  3. Cancer
  4. None
Name the scientist who first declare that the Earth revolves around the Sun ?
  1. Newton
  2. Galileo
  3. Copernicus
  4. None of these
مصر کاآ خری باد شاہ کون تھا؟
  1. شاہ فاروق
  2. سليم شاہ
  3. فاروق شاہ
  4. اکبر شاہ
برطانيہ کی ملکہ وکٹوريہ کی عمر ملکہ بنتے وقت کتنی تھی؟
  1. 18
  2. 19
  3. 21
  4. 22

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