Assistant Center for Professional Development of Public Prosecutors Past Papers

Assistant Center for Professional Development of Public Prosecutors Past Papers PPSC MCQs for test preparation.

Assistant Center for Professional Development of Public Prosecutors Past Papers MCQs

Guava is a rich source of which vitamin :

  • K
  • D
  • A
  • C

Russia annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine in:

  • 0211
  • 2014
  • 2016
  • None of these

Durand Line marks border between _________

  • Pakistan-Iran
  • Pakistan-China
  • Pakistan-Afghanistan
  • None of these

The space agency of Pakistan is:

  • JAXA
  • NAMA
  • None of these

Myopia is a disease connected with__________

  • Eyesight
  • Brain
  • Ears
  • None of these

In Pakistan how many persons died of tobacco-related disease in each year:

  • 1 million
  • 1.6 million
  • 2.6 million
  • 0.16 million

Which of the following is the feature of erosion except :

  • EarthPillar
  • Yardangs
  • Monoliths
  • None of these

Shah Wali Ullah born in:

  • 1703
  • 1705
  • 1707
  • None of these

Who was the first ruler of the Slave dynasty?

  • Sultan Ghouri
  • Qutbudin Aibk
  • Balban
  • None of these

The last dynasty of Dehli Sultanate is:

  • Tughlaq
  • Mamluk
  • Khilji
  • Lodhi

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