Which Indian PM declared emergency in seventies :
- Indira Gahndi
- Ravi Gahndi
- Charan Sindh
- None of these
Which river flows in Europe
- Thames
- Volga
- Danube
- All of these
Round Table Conferences held in:
- Lodon
- Dehli
- Calcutta
- None of these
Who is the current Chairman of NEPRA:
- Afzal Kamal
- Nasir Aziz
- Qamar Shams
- Tauseef H. Farooqi
According to Von Thunen model the central place is:
- Grains
- City
- Forest
- None of these
Which element is liquid at room temperature :
- Neon
- Nitrogen
- Argon
- Bromine
What is _______ the menu today?
- on
- in
- at
- none of these
Last decade of Ramzan is known as :
- Freedon from hell
- Kindness f
- forgiveness
- None of these
Marco Polo was a famous _________
- Traveler
- Scientist
- Writer
- None of these
The antonym of Courageous :
- Audacios
- Timid
- Spirited j
- None of these