Who discovered dynamite:
- Newton
- Edison
- Alfred Nobel
- None of these
Blood group is identified by:
- Antigens
- Anti body
- Anti toxin
- None of these
Joule is the unit of:
- Joule
- Energy
- Work
- None of these
Law of magnetic induction given by:
- Tesla
- Faraday
- Newton
- None of these
The potential of pure water is:
- Zero
- One
- Two
- None of these
Which of the following is herbivores?
- Dog
- Cat
- Cow
- All of these
Which gas is present in blub:
- Argon
- Nitrogen
- Hydrogen
- None of these
In computer disk storage is a sub division on a magnetic disk or optical disk called ___
- Track
- Rom
- Sector
- None of these
In which part of computer execution of instructions done:
- ALU ( Arithmetic and Logic Unit)
- Control Unit
- Main Memory
- None of these
Which of the following is not a font style :
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- None of these