Assistant Director IB Past Papers

Ringgit is the currency of which country?
  1. Indonesia
  2. Afghanistan
  3. Malysia
  4. Uk
Which country is the biggest producer of Uranium in the world?
  1. South Africa
  2. France
  3. Canada
  4. Kazakhstan
  5. None of these
What is the length of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan?
  1. 2611 KM
  2. 2350 km
  3. 2282 km
  4. 2430 km
Which is the largest export partner of Pakistan?
  1. Japan
  2. Iran
  3. America
  4. Nepal
Ch. Rahmat Ali, the architect of the name of Pakistan, died on _____?
  1. 3 February 1951
  2. 3 February 1952
  3. 23 February 1953
  4. 13 February 1954
3 May is internationally observed as_____?
  1. Labor day
  2. Environment Day
  3. Earth Day
  4. Press Freedom Day
  5. None of the above
The All-Indian Muslim League observed ‘Day of Deliverance’ after the resignation of the All-India Congress Minsters. On what date was it observed__________?
  1. 22 October 1938
  2. 22 October 1939
  3. 22 December 1939
  4. None
The number of spark plugs needed in a diesel engine is__________?
  1. zero
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 4
The largest source of electricity generation in Pakistan is ____?
  1. Thermal
  2. Hydal
  3. Wind
  4. Solar
India is constructing “Kishanganga Dam” on the __________ River.
  1. Indus
  2. Sutlej
  3. Jhelum
  4. Ravi
  5. None of these

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