Assistant Director IB Past Papers

synonyms of BREACH
  1. Secret
  2. reinforcement
  3. Difficulty
  4. opening
The word that is neatly most similar in meaning to the Capitalized words of Gelid
  1. Hot
  2. Soft
  3. Icy cold
  4. Hard
The word that is neatly most similar in meaning to the Capitalized words of Pulent
  1. A corrupt
  2. Poor
  3. Proud
  4. Lucuriant
The word that is neatly most similar in meaning to the Capitalized words of Verisimilitude
  1. Large number
  2. Variety
  3. Shades of colurs
  4. Being true
Antonym of Despire
  1. Abhor
  2. Disdain
  3. Demolish
  4. Admire
Antonym of lackery
  1. Strange
  2. Poor
  3. master
  4. ignorant
Antonym of Egress
  1. Decline
  2. Entrance
  3. rude
  4. Angry
Antonym of Amalgamate
  1. Punish
  2. Study
  3. Separate
  4. Reduce
Choose the correct meaning of the following idioms/phrases Woolgathering
  1. Dreamy imagination
  2. Alert
  3. Aim full
  4. None of these
Choose the correct meaning of the following idioms/phrases Under the harrow
  1. Construct
  2. prodect
  3. Anxiety
  4. None of these

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