Assistant Director IB Past Papers

Synonym: Diffidence
  1. Poverty
  2. Timidity
  3. Ignorance
  4. Richness
  5. None
Synonym: Paragon
  1. Above the height
  2. Good enough
  3. Model perfect
  4. Remedy for all disease
Synonym: Accentuate:
  1. Act strongly
  2. Ascent
  3. Penalize
  4. Give accent to
  5. None
_____ is a Relative Pronoun?
  1. My self
  2. This book
  3. Everyone
  4. Who
  5. None of these
Objectives limiting the meaning of a noun showing either possession, demonstration, or number are called.
  1. Limiting
  2. Description
  3. Proper adjective
  4. Indicative adjective
  5. None
‘’Mr. Rizwan Ali has telephoned his son once a week for years’’ is a ______ tense.
  1. Present perfect
  2. Present 1
  3. Past
  4. Future
  5. None of these
‘’ The fool shot himself in the foot “ is a ______ Pronoun.
  1. Personal Pronoun
  2. Reflexive Pronoun
  3. Demonstrative Pronoun
  4. None of these
Rani had _________ malaria at thesea in a ship
  1. Died from
  2. Died in
  3. Died of
  4. Died for
Zia is ________ his visit visa to the U.S.
  1. Anxious to
  2. Anxious about
  3. Anxious for
  4. Anxious from
  5. None
Who wrote SASSI PANU
  1. Hashim Shah
  2. Khawaja Khan
  3. Ishaq Shamim
  4. Hafiz Barkhurdar
  5. None

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