Assistant Director IB Past Papers

The Suez Canal was opened in
  1. 1942
  2. 1869
  3. 1899
  4. 1884
  5. None of these
ICRC headquarters is in.
  1. London
  2. New York
  3. Vienna
  4. Geneva
  5. None of these
32 Fahrenheit is,
  1. Boiling point
  2. Freezing point
  3. Minus temperature
  4. Melting point
  5. Temperature
which one of the following sentence is incorrect.
  1. I he cook wanted to know whether the fish was fresh and whether the meat was tender
  2. The cook wanted to know whether the fish was fresh and was the meat tender
  3. The cook asked “ is the fish fresh? Is the meat tender?
  4. Is the fish and the meat tender? Asked the cook?
  5. None of these
Which one of the following sentences is correct. When I swim often, I get a sore arm or Going swimming can often leaves me with a sore arm or Going swimming often leaves me with a sore arm
  1. When I swim often, I get a sore arm
  2. Going swimming can often leaves me with a sore arm
  3. Going swimming often leaves me with a sore arm
  4. None of these
Which one of the following statements is correct?Whom was she talking?, Whom was she talking to?,To whom she was talking?,To whom she was talking to?
  1. Whom was she talking?
  2. Whom was she talking to?
  3. To whom she was talking?
  4. To whom she was talking to?
  5. None of these
When this war is over, no nation will either be isolated in war or peace.
  1. Either be isolated in war or peace
  2. Be either isolated in war or peace
  3. Be isolated in war or in peace
  4. Be isolated neither in war or peace
  5. None
The child is" neither encouraged to be critical or to examine" all the evidence for his option.
  1. Neither encouraged to be critical or to examine
  2. Neither encouraged to be critical nor to examine
  3. Either encouraged to be critical or to examine
  4. encouraged either to be critical nor to examine
  5. Not encouraged either to be critical or to examine
"Play being recognized" as an important factor in improving mental and physical health and thereby reducing human misery and poverty.
  1. Play being recognized as
  2. By recognizing play as
  3. Recognition of it being
  4. Play is recognized as
  5. None of these
Before the search party reached the scene of the accident, "the rain began to fall ", making the rescue effort more difficult.
  1. The rain began to fall
  2. The rain had began to fall
  3. The rain had begun to fall
  4. It started to rain begun to fall
  5. None of these

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