Assistant Director IB Past Papers

10% written as a decimal is
  1. 1.0
  2. 0.1
  3. 0.01
  4. 0.001
  5. none of these
Four masons build a wall 4 feet high in four hours. How many feet high wall can one mason build in one hour?
  1. 1 ft
  2. 1/4 ft
  3. 3/4 ft
  4. 4 ft
  5. None of these
I drove south for 6 kilometers then turned left and turned left and drove 2 kilometers and then turned right and drove 2 kilometers. How for am I from starting point.
  1. 2 km
  2. 4 km
  3. 6 km
  4. 10 km
  5. None of these
What percent of 14 of 24.
  1. 62 %
  2. 58 %
  3. 41 %
  4. 33 %
  5. None of these
1/ 2 (√(2 √6 + 1/2 √2) multiply and simplify
  1. 3+1/2
  2. √3+1/2
  3. 1/2 √3
  4. √6+1
  5. None of these
if p x p x p/p x p x p -3, P=?
  1. 1/9
  2. 13
  3. 27
  4. -3
  5. none of these
Three men earn as much as 4 women, 4 women earn as much as 6 boys and 8 boys earn as much as 10 girls. If a girl earns rs 40 a day, then the earning of a man would be
  1. Rs 100
  2. Rs 115
  3. Rs 125
  4. Rs 135
  5. None of these
6 person completes a work in 16 days, 8 people will complete the job in how many days.
  1. 12
  2. 14
  3. 9
  4. 10
  5. None of these
Find the value of x if the average of 1.0, 0.8, 0.2 and x is exactly 0.6?
  1. 0.4
  2. 0.2
  3. 2.4
  4. 0.66
  5. None of these
A car travels at the speed of 120 km/h how long it will travel in 15 minutes.
  1. 10 km
  2. 40 km
  3. 30 km
  4. 15 km
  5. None of these

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