Assistant Director IB Past Papers

14 persons earn Rs. 400 in 10 days. How many persons are required to earn Rs. 600.
  1. 18
  2. 24
  3. 21
  4. 15
  5. None of these
Quoram for National Assembly is.
  1. 1/3
  2. ½
  3. ¼
  4. 1/6
  5. None of these
What was the portfolio of Liaqat Ali Khan in the Interim Cabinet in 1946?
  1. Education Minister
  2. Interior Minister
  3. Finance Minister
  4. Commerce minister
Name of the capital of Iceland.
  1. Loma
  2. Port Villa
  3. Free Town
  4. Reykjavik
Graham Bell invented Telephone in the year?
  1. 1877
  2. 1876
  3. 1879
  4. 1888
What is the antonym of Kindle?
  1. Detest
  2. Douse
  3. Friend
  4. Enemy
  5. Discourage
22 April is celebrated as
  1. World Scout Day
  2. World water Day
  3. World Earth Day
  4. World Environment
  5. None of these
Who is the author of the romantic novel Pride and Prejudice ____?
  1. Jane Ayre
  2. Jane Austen
  3. Jane Greene
  4. None of the above
The antonym of PENCHANT is_____?
  1. Distant
  2. Dislike
  3. Attitude
  4. Imminence
  5. None of these
Which two prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on the 9th Zil-ul-Hajj?
  1. Isha-Fajar
  2. Maghrib-Isha
  3. Fajar-Zuhar
  4. Zuhar-Asar
  5. None of these

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