What does mean by " Fiat" ?
- A decree
- A command
- Both of them
- None of them
What is called that person on whom a petition or originating application is served?
- Defendant
- Plaintiff
- Accused
- Respondent
In a civil case , what is called the defendants written response to the plaintiff's complaints?
- Affidavit
- Respond
- Witness
- Answer
What is "Litigation".
- Start of legal process
- End of legal process
- Legal proceedings
- Legal hindrances
The highest or supreme political authority is known as ;
- High Authority
- Supreme Authority
- Sovereign Authority
- None of these
A social position attained by a person largely through his or her own efforts is known as ;
- Ascribed status
- Achieved status
- Control status
- Master status
Which of the following countries has largest gas reserves?
- Russia
- Qatar
- Iran
- China
"Higher than Hope" is an autobiography written by .
- Dr King
- Nelson Mandela
- Malcom X
- Muhammad Ali
Who recommended visa restrictions on Nigeria , Afghanistan and _______?
- India
- Pakistan
- Iran
- Somalia
How many memorandum of understanding ( MOUs) was signed by Pakistan and China for CPEC?
- 41
- 51
- 61
- 71
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