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Which is the capital of the country Angola?
- Luanda
- Windohek
- Cape Town
- None of these
Which is the currency of East Timor?
- Dollar
- Rupee
- Yen
- Yuan
Where is Warsak Dam situated in which province?
- Punjab
- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
- Balochistan
- Sindh
- None of these
How many members ASEAN has?
- 8
- 10
- 6
- 24
- 12
Vertical movement of air which exert force this force is called ____ :
- Differential pressure
- Absolute pressure
- Atmospheric pressure
- acceleration
The antonym of "capitulate" is
- Yield
- Resist
- Build
- Surrender
- Destroy
- Resident
- natural
- domiciled
- native
Barren antonyms?
- Fertile
- Lazzy
- Stale
- None
The antonym of MEAGER is?
- Typical
- plentiful
- wasteful
- unnecessary
Antonyms of PRODUCTIVE:
- Destructive
- solid
- unplugged
- hard
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