How many books include in Sahai Sitta:
- 05
- 06
- 07
- None of these
In which battle was Abdullah Bin Abi Baker with his soldiers martyred:
- Ghazwa Badar
- Ghazwa Uhud
- Ghazwa Hunain
- None of these
Muslim thinker`s category economy as
- Islamic economy
- Political economy
- Household economy
- None of these
Smoke from industries causes :
- Fog
- smog
- Mist
- None of these
To revitalize khilafat which movement launched :
- Turkish reinstate movement
- Turkish movement
- Khilafat movement
- None of these
Recently Turkey relation with US severe due to
- S400 missiles
- Human rights
- Situation in Syria
- None of these
Which continent has minimum birth rate :
- Africa
- Asia
- North America
- None of these
Which modern country erstwhile Sassanid empire :
- Pkistan
- Afghanistan
- Iran
- None of these
The word Population according to United Nation is :
- 7.2 billion
- 7.5 billion
- 7.7 billon
- None of these