Which gas is 80 times potent than CO2 in Green House Effect ?
- Methane
- Oxygen
- Nitrogen
- Hydrogen
Which surah is known as the heart of Holy Quran?
- Surah e Yaseen
- Surah e Rehman
- Surah e Albaqra
- None
Choose the near Antonym of "Vague":
- Blurred
- Immaterial
- Compulsory
- Definite
Which provinces were to be divided according to 3rd June Plan ?
- Calcuta and Madras
- F.R and Balochistan
- Bombay and Sindh
- None of the above
Orange river is located in:
- Egypt
- South Africa
- Mexico
- Indonesia
Jerusalem is a sacred place for
- Christians
- Jews
- Muslims
- All of them
Battle in which Holy prophetﷺ not participated is known as:
- Jaziya
- Sariyya
- Sayee
- Al-Fay
- None of these