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The World biggest oil refinery is situated?
- Saudi Arabia
- Kuwait
- Iran
- India
What is the full form of ADBP
- Agriculture Development Bank of Pakistan.
- Agriculture Development Bank of Punjab
- Agriculture Development Book of Pakistan.
- None
IC stand for ____?
- Integrated Circuit
- Intelligence Community
- Intensive Care
- None of these
Synonym of massacre
- slaughter
- Homage
- saving
- unfettering
A computer’s memory is measured in bytes, the largest unit of memory is:-
- megabyte
- Gigabyte
- Kilobyte
- None
What is the first slide called in Microsoft PowerPoint?
- Blank slide
- Title slide
- Title and Content slide
- None
The antonym of EXONERATE is
- Free
- Absolve
- Acquit
- Charge
- Allof
How many times has Brazil won the World Cup Football Championship?
- 3
- 5
- 6
- 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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