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What is the meaning of gloss
- Dull
- Brightness
- Smoothness
- None
_______is considering the engineering hub of Pakistan
- Lahore
- Gujranwala
- Sialkot
- Karachi
Before Islam Friday was called.
- یومالفرقان
- یوم العروبہ
- Both
- None
Who said "All history is the history of class struggle "?
- Rousseau
- Kant
- Vico
- Karl Marx
Idiom A pipe dream
- Unattainable dream
- A day dream
- A night dream
- None
The study of stars is known as:
- Astrology
- Astronomy
- Seismography
- Discography
Which animal was residing with the As'hab e Kahaf?
- Camel
- Donkey
- Dog
- None
Operation Radd Ul Fassad means :
- Path to peace
- Sharp up cutting strike
- Path to Salvation
- None
Where is Bathsheba Beach ?
- Barbados
- Greece
- Australia
- None
An application program that allows a user to set page number and spell check of a document is known as __ .
- Notepad
- Wordpad
- Word processor
- All of these
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