Assistant in S&GAD PPSC Past Papers – 2021

What is the meaning of gloss
  1. Dull
  2. Brightness
  3. Smoothness
  4. None
_______is considering the engineering hub of Pakistan
  1. Lahore
  2. Gujranwala
  3. Sialkot
  4. Karachi
Before Islam Friday was called.
  1. یومالفرقان
  2. یوم العروبہ
  3. Both
  4. None
Who said "All history is the history of class struggle "?
  1. Rousseau
  2. Kant
  3. Vico
  4. Karl Marx
Idiom A pipe dream
  1. Unattainable dream
  2. A day dream
  3. A night dream
  4. None
The study of stars is known as:
  1. Astrology
  2. Astronomy
  3. Seismography
  4. Discography
Which animal was residing with the As'hab e Kahaf?
  1. Camel
  2. Donkey
  3. Dog
  4. None
Operation Radd Ul Fassad means :
  1. Path to peace
  2. Sharp up cutting strike
  3. Path to Salvation
  4. None
Where is Bathsheba Beach ?
  1. Barbados
  2. Greece
  3. Australia
  4. None
An application program that allows a user to set page number and spell check of a document is known as __ .
  1. Notepad
  2. Wordpad
  3. Word processor
  4. All of these

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