Assistant Industries, Commerce, Investment and Skills Development

Which city built primarily for capital ?

  • Constantinople
  • New York
  • London
  • Islamabad

The agenda of COP 23 is _______.

  • Long-term climate finance
  • To consider the matters after 2020
  • Assessment of the technical examination processess on mitigation and adaptation
  • All of these

The first pillar of Islam is .

  • Namaz
  • Roza
  • Zakat
  • Tauheed

UK left European Union completely on 31 january 2020 . This process is named as .

  • Wexen deal
  • Brexit
  • Both A & B
  • None of these

USSR disintegrated in how many states in 1991.

  • 11
  • 13
  • 15
  • None of these

Movement of earth material as a unit along a curved surface is called _______.

  • Slump
  • Mud out
  • Lava
  • None of these

Navagio Beach is in ;

  • Malaysia
  • Thailand
  • Greece
  • None of these

Which country joined UNO in 2006.

  • Bosnia
  • Taiwan
  • Montenegro
  • None of these

The real name of Ibn Taymiyyah is ;

  • Zaki-ud-din
  • Taqi-ud-din
  • Naqi-ud- din
  • None of these

When National Bank of Pakistan established :

  • 1947
  • 1948
  • 1949
  • None of these

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