Assistant Industries, Commerce, Investment and Skills Development

How much potential of Pakistan hydropower for generating electricity .

  • 35000 MW
  • 60000 MW
  • 80000 MW
  • None of these

Mikhail Gorbachev started which movement for reforming and reconstructing in 1985 ?

  • Glasnost
  • Perestroika and Glasnost
  • Perestroika
  • None of these

Dharmanrajaikastupa in Taxila was built in the era of _________.

  • Mughals
  • Kushans
  • Khilji
  • None of these

Amman is the capital of .

  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Israel
  • None of these

London tower Bridge is located on which river

  • Fleet
  • Thamas
  • Wandle
  • None of these

PM Imran Khan launched ______ mobile app on Jan 6, 2020 to control drug abuse ?

  • Safe Citizen app
  • Dangers of drug app
  • Zindagi app
  • None of these

The synonym of Feasible is .

  • Misplacedo
  • Undue
  • Practicable
  • None of these

Sanitation is the ______ means of promoting health through prevention of human contact with the hazards of waste .

  • Hygienic
  • Proper
  • Better
  • None of these

No body _____ you could be selfish .

  • But
  • Only
  • From
  • None of these

The book of Hadith , Al-Muwatta , was compiled by _____.

  • Imam Abu Haneefa RA
  • Imam Malik RA
  • Imam Shafi RA
  • None of these

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