Assistant Islamabad Police Past Papers

For being able to see three-dimensional pictures we have to use ____?
  1. A binocular
  2. A camera
  3. An epidiascope
  4. A stereoscope
  5. None of these
In a photographic camera fitted with a convex lens, which of the following types of images will be formed on the film?
  1. Imaginary and Erect
  2. Inverted and Real
  3. Erect and Real
  4. Both A & B
  5. None of these
In the modern-day computers, when operational, the electrical impulses travel.
  1. Nearly at the speed of light
  2. At the speed of sound
  3. At seven times the speed of sound
  4. At half the speed of light
  5. None of these
When soil surface is protected with residue of crop, the practice is called :
  1. Nitrogen fixation
  2. sheeet erosion
  3. Tillage
  4. Mulching
The study of Earthquakes is known as
  1. geology
  2. Seismology
  3. Numistatics
  4. None
Bhagnari is breed of
  1. Buffalo
  2. Cow
  3. Sheep
  4. Poultry
Inqalab -91 is a variety of :
  1. rice
  2. cotton
  3. sugarcane
  4. wheat
Crossing over occur between :
  1. sister chromatids
  2. Homologous Chromosome
  3. Both
  4. None
Which shortcut key used to open startup button in windows 10?
  1. Ctrl + Space
  2. Ctrl + Esc
  3. WIN+ Esc
  4. Alt + Esc
  5. Shift + Esc
What type of software is a PRINTER DRIVER?
  1. Application Software
  2. System Software
  3. Utility Software
  4. None of Above

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