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All of the following drugs are nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents except ____?
- D-tubocurarine
- Gallamine triethiodide
- Succinylcholine
- Pancuronium bromide
Which of the following group of drugs are neuromuscular blocking agents _____?
- Glycinium neostigamine and physostigamine
- Glycinium neostigamine and physostigamine
- Pancuronium, rocuronium
- choline, adrenaline and amphetamine
The metabolic effects of sympathomimetics are mediated by _____?
- Dopaminergic receptors
- All beta-adrenergic receptors
- Beta 2 receptors
- Opioid receptors
Beta 2 agonist causes _____?
- Mydriasis
- Contraction of urinary spinctors
- Vasoconstriction
- Bronchial muscle relaxation
Which of the following chemical is used for differentiating between live and dead nematodes?
- New Blue
- Silver nitrate
- Gold chloride
- Acetic orcein
Which of the following insects is an efficient pollinator?
- Apis cerana
- Bumble bee
- Syrphus sp.
- Hawk moth
Wota trap is used for?
- Stored grain pest
- Groundnut leaf miner
- Mosquito and flies
- Coffee berry borer
The wing is the lateral extension of the?
- Integument
- Basement membrane
- Cuticle
- Epidermis
Who proposed the concept and terminologies of ‘Bioeconomics’?
- V.M. Stern
- Geier and Clark
- W.D. Pierce
- Odum
Who is the father of biological control?
- Paul DeBach
- Aldrovandi
- Koebele
- Smith
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