Assistant Islamabad Police Past Papers

All of the following drugs are nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents except ____?
  1. D-tubocurarine
  2. Gallamine triethiodide
  3. Succinylcholine
  4. Pancuronium bromide
Which of the following group of drugs are neuromuscular blocking agents _____?
  1. Glycinium neostigamine and physostigamine
  2. Glycinium neostigamine and physostigamine
  3. Pancuronium, rocuronium
  4. choline, adrenaline and amphetamine
The metabolic effects of sympathomimetics are mediated by _____?
  1. Dopaminergic receptors
  2. All beta-adrenergic receptors
  3. Beta 2 receptors
  4. Opioid receptors
Beta 2 agonist causes _____?
  1. Mydriasis
  2. Contraction of urinary spinctors
  3. Vasoconstriction
  4. Bronchial muscle relaxation
Which of the following chemical is used for differentiating between live and dead nematodes?
  1. New Blue
  2. Silver nitrate
  3. Gold chloride
  4. Acetic orcein
Which of the following insects is an efficient pollinator?
  1. Apis cerana
  2. Bumble bee
  3. Syrphus sp.
  4. Hawk moth
Wota trap is used for?
  1. Stored grain pest
  2. Groundnut leaf miner
  3. Mosquito and flies
  4. Coffee berry borer
The wing is the lateral extension of the?
  1. Integument
  2. Basement membrane
  3. Cuticle
  4. Epidermis
Who proposed the concept and terminologies of ‘Bioeconomics’?
  1. V.M. Stern
  2. Geier and Clark
  3. W.D. Pierce
  4. Odum
Who is the father of biological control?
  1. Paul DeBach
  2. Aldrovandi
  3. Koebele
  4. Smith

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