Mark the headquarter of OECD:
- London
- Paris
- Vienna
- None of these
Snow line refers:
- Perpetual snow
- Melting snow
- deep cold water
- None of these
Tick the antonym Amicabe:
- Friendly
- Hostile
- Wisely
- Cunningly
Synonym of susxeptible:
- Vulnerable
- Resistance
- Dark
- noble
What is the synonym of profane?
- Holy
- unholy
- deep
- Reverend
To get connected with internet What is to be connected:
- Modem
- Satellite adopter
- Both a & b
- None of these
What is the name pf programs which control the hardware of computer?
- Drives
- Operator
- Connecters
- None of these
Which Pakistan actor worked in Indian movie Mom?
- Adnan Ahmad
- Adnan Siddique
- Adnan Ahmad
- None of these
Doab between Ravi and Chenab:
- Sindh Saggar
- Rachna
- Bari
- Chaj Doab
Hazrat Muhammad gave the key of Bait-ul-llah to?
- Hazrat Ali
- Usman bin talha
- Hazrat Usman
- None of these