Assistant Livestock and Dairy Development Past Papers

Which Planet is easily seen from earth:

  • Mars
  • Venus
  • Pluto
  • None of these

British Junior Open 2020 Squash won by:

  • Muhammad Hamza Khan
  • Sabih Mehmood
  • Muhammad Nawaz
  • None of these

How many amendments proposed by Jinnah in Nehru Report:

  • 02
  • 03
  • 04
  • None of these

Jansher khan won Junior Squash champion ship in.

  • 1986
  • 1984
  • 1981
  • None of these

United Nations has formed by a charter signed by different nations but is has no interference in:

  • Aggression
  • Internal matter
  • Both A & B
  • None of these

The Headquarter of Economic Cooperation Organization is in:

  • Istanbul
  • Islamabad
  • Tehran
  • None of these

Dry Ice is also called :

  • Hydrgen
  • Carbondioxide
  • Sulhur
  • None of these

GSP plus provided how much relief on Pakistan goods:

  • 63%
  • 66%
  • 69%
  • NOne of these

Current Governor of Sindh is:

  • Imran Ismail
  • Ishrat ul Ibaad
  • Saeed Zaman
  • None of these

John Logie Baird invented'

  • Monitor
  • USB
  • Mechanical TV
  • None of these

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