Assistant Livestock and Dairy Development Past Papers

John Logie Baird invented'

  • Monitor
  • USB
  • Mechanical TV
  • None of these

Pakistan has no diplomatic relations with.

  • France
  • Israel
  • New Zealand
  • None of these

Neymar da Silva Santos is Brazilian:

  • Footballer
  • Cricketer
  • Wrestler
  • None of these

The Core of optical fiber is made of:

  • Copper
  • Silica
  • Glass
  • None of these

Saudi Arabia has which sort of Political system:

  • Monarchy
  • Parliamentarian
  • Presidential
  • None of these

How many women voters in Pakistan

  • 40%
  • 44%
  • 48%
  • NOne of these

Do or Die Slogan in Quit India Movement was raised by

  • Jinnah
  • Gandhi
  • Raja Acharia
  • None of These

When first Indian civil servant was inducted in government

  • 1862
  • 1864
  • 1861
  • None of these

Muslim Population in world in :

  • 1.5 Billion
  • 2 Billion
  • 2.5 Billion
  • None of these

Congress did not attend which Round Table Conference:

  • First
  • Second
  • Third
  • None of these

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