The meaning of Connoisseur is:
- Ignoramus
- Lover of art
- Idiot
- None of these
Correction: He gave me many advices.
- He gave me many pteces of advice
- He give me many pieces of advice
- He gave me many piece of advice
- None of these
I should hate to be confined_______an office all day
- from
- In
- by
- None of these
The antonym of revealed is.
- concealed
- give away
- disclose
- Rone of these
Identify type of sentence you do wrong but You do not show.
- Negative
- Interrogative
- Empathetic
- None of these
The synonym of native is.
- Endemic
- Acquired
- Learned
- None of these
A sum of RS 95000 is to be divided among A B and C In such a way that A. B is 2:3 and BC is 2:3 what will be the share of A
- 35000
- 20000
- 17000
- None of these
Choose correct one.
- Both sisters are in same class.
- The both sisters are in same class.
- Both sisters is in same class
- None of these
Replace the underlined word. He is very obliged.
- much
- many
- so
- None of these
Change voice Let us nicely play here
- Nicely to be played
- Play here nicely
- Played here nicely
- None of these