"Adobe flash "is an example of:
- Spread sheet
- Multimedia software
- Utility software
- File Manager
Photosynthesis in plants takes place faster in :
- Yellow light
- Red Light
- Qarkness
- White light
Bhikki Power Plant is located in District:
- Sheikhupura
- Sahiwal
- Hyderabad
- Badin
Complete the series 2,4,10,28___:
- 64
- 70
- 76
- 82
'Spratly islåridsi ifi.the'South•éhina Séa ad disputed between China and:
- Vietnam
- Malaysia
- Philippines
- All of.these
Vladimir Lenin translated Into. Russian the Marx and Engel's famous politleål Work:
- I told you I was right
- Thé Communist•Manifesto
- Correspondence between Man and Engel
- Marx on Indian.Society.
Fill in the blank, He. went ______ the direction of post office.
- At
- In
- To
- Of
The longest International border In the world is :
- USA Canada
- Ruséia Kazakhstah
- Argentina-Chile
- India-China
Pakistan is connected to Afghanistan via:
- Gomal Pass
- Tochi Pass
- Khyber Pass.
- Khunjerab Pass
Which of the following International Organizations has no formal structure?
- G-8
- G-20
- G-77
- D-8